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When I wake up the next time, I'm alone. There's a blanket draped over me and my laptop is shut off, placed on top of my bags. There's also a single Polaroid picture resting beside me, which must have been taken before Dakota left me, because in it, my head is on his shoulder and his is resting on top of my head. We're both asleep, but the blanket isn't over me. I figure Tanner or Alex must have taken the picture and later, after Dakota had woken up and gotten up, one of the guys had thrown the blanket over me.

It's the next morning, and I stand up, stretching as I do so. I shoot Melissa an apology text and let her know that I'll try and FaceTime her soon. I notice that the RV is stopped, parked on one of those rest stops along the highways, and peak outside to find that Dakota is filming himself speaking to the camera. Then, I grab my clothes and toiletries, heading into the small bathroom to take a shower. I make it quick, do my hair and makeup, and change into my clothes—a plain black Henley tank top, ripped mom jeans, and a gray lightweight cardigan sweater. I decided to straighten my hair and my makeup is the same as it's been, pairing my outfit with my black Converse.

Once Dakota comes back inside and we're all ready for the day, I sit beside him at the table, where we talk about our personal goals at the next location. Mine is to overcome my fear. Dakota says that this is the crux of learning and understanding more about the paranormal—abolishing your fear of it. Dakota then tells us of an attraction that's an overlook that lets us see seven states at once, citing that since we're going to go through dark times together, we should be able to see beautiful things together, too.

Getting out of the RV, cameras in hand, we follow Dakota. He holds his camera up, speaking into it, "So right now, we are in Rock City. It has staggering rock formations, beautiful views and caves. You guys are in for a treat. Soak it all in, because it's not gonna be this happy all the time."

I scoff playfully, rolling my eyes the same. We head up to the overlook and I feel my breath get stolen from me. The view truly is incredibly. It's endless green for miles and miles on end. The wind blows my hair back and I just stand there for a moment, closing my eyes and taking it all in.

Opening my eyes again, I focus on all of the different plaques set around the ledge, as well as the carved stone that points to each of the seven different states. Dakota walks up to it, stating, "So we got Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama all in one site. That's our road trip right there. We're gonna be hitting a good chunk of these states. Let's keep walking, though. There's so much to see here."

"Yeah," I agree, running my hands through my hair.

"Let's do it," Tanner echoes.

"So much to see," Dakota sighs as he starts to lead us toward the caverns.

We make our way around, finding ourselves at a rope bridge strung high above a cavern. Dakota's in the lead as we go across, a little unsteadily, and I'm right behind him. I'm usually not great with heights, but his fear of them surpasses mine. Tanner and I start jumping up and down on the bridge and he laughs, taking off across it. "You guys suck!" he shouts.

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