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The holidays came and went, and before I knew it, I was headed to go and film the second road trip.

I can pretty much guess that the first location that Dakota chose is in Minnesota, because that's where my plane ticket that I receive from the network is for. I confirm it with the guys and they tell me that they'll pick me up from the airport when my flight comes in. Dakota wants to do a little bit of filming at his childhood home and then we'll be off the next morning.

Once again, I left packing for the last minute, but I'm not entirely sure what I'll need. It's the dead of winter, so obviously a lot of these places will be absolutely freezing. Packing a lot of thick sweaters, under armor to wear beneath them, socks, gloves, and hats is of utmost importance. I have two jackets I can alternate between—one extremely thick and heavy, the other not as much—especially since I know that my location will likely be warmer than the rest. I also only pack boots, knowing that some of these places will probably be snowy or dirty.

I don't want a repeat of damaging my Converse at Pennhurst.

My send-off doesn't feel like a death march this time around. Although the prospect of the road trip strikes fear in me still, I am still excited to do it again. To get back to that routine. To spend time with the guys. If anything, that's what I'm looking forward to the most.

Just before I board the plane, I get a heads-up text from Tanner, telling me that all three guys will be picking me up and they'll be filming. I tell him what time my flight is supposed to get in and then it's time for me to board, Minnesota-bound.

The flight is about three hours and it's earlier than my flight to Tennessee had been back in June. By the time I land, it's only seven o'clock central time, so I'm not as exhausted as I had been when flying in last time. I turn my phone back on and shoot Tanner a text, telling him that I've just landed and resend him the terminal I'm in.

I manage to navigate to baggage claim and grab my luggage before heading out to the street. The cold whips at me and I shiver, pulling my hat down over my head. I'm wearing a white cashmere sweater, a pair of black jeans, black boots, and my thick, heavy jacket, but even so, it's freezing. I pull my gloves out of my pocket and walk down the street, trying to find Tanner's car.

When I spot it, a smile lights up my face.

"Olivia!" I hear Dakota's voice calling out as I make my way toward him. There are a lot of people waiting on the street, but I push past all of them as I barrel down the sidewalk toward my cousin and friends. Dakota's the first one I reach, and I don't hesitate to hug him. "How you doing? Good to see you."

"It's so good to see you!" I exclaim, hugging him tightly. We pull away, smiles on both of our faces, and I turn toward Tanner, who's getting out of the driver's seat. "Tanner!"

"Hey!" he greets, hugging me tightly and picking me up, which isn't hard to do since I'm short.

The guys help get my luggage into the trunk of the SUV and then I move to go sit in the backseat, where Alex is filming. There's also cameras positioned behind the front seats to capture us in the back, which is actually clever.

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