We just met how are you obessed? - Percy Jackson x Dionysus Daughter

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Summary - Chryssa is an daughter of Dionysus and has an alcoholic problem and meets Percy who is trying to get her camp half-blood.

"GET DOWN HERE, CHRYSSA!" My mother yelled. I couldn't go down there. I couldn't see everything was blurry.  I was drunk, Very drunk.

Instead of faking sleep I walked down there. She looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I never acted like the normal kids. I was a pretty rich white girl with the best life. I was the opposite. I was white trash. I knew how to drink before I could drive.

"Are you fucking drunk AGAIN!?!" I look at her without replying. It was silent.

"You know, you're just like your father, Alway drunk. It is a shame you could be practicing for a sport or working a job. But you're just drinking away your pain. Get a JOB! Clean your room! GO take a walk. Please just do something. Stop drinking. You're a piece of trash you can't do anything to save your life. Kids would kill to have a mother who is rich and can take care of you. You literally have no worries but all you do is drink. I am sick of your shit leave my house right now."

I just looked at her but before she could say anything I went to my room. Packed my bags and left. I knew it was immature but it was in the moment, I was mad,sad,and drunk.

"CHRYSSA!" Was the last thing I heard before closing the door and running away. I was done with her. I left. I took my moms jeep and drove it. I looked at the time and of course it was 11:00 pm. I have school tomorrow so I got to a Target parking lot and went to sleep.

As I went to sleep I was underwater, but the water wasn't water. It was wine. I tried to swim but I couldn't. I was stuck, with all my misery and thoughts.

"HELP ME!" I screamed, but no one could hear me, not even myself.

My throat tightened and I realized I couldn't breathe. I was trying colors.

I closed my eyes, wondering why me? Why do I have to be a mess! Why am I the weird kid! Why did my dad not love me! Did he see how much of a loser I would be?
I cried, pulling a blade. Before I could do anything. A man pulled me out of the wine ocean? I couldn't see his face but by the look of it he was wearing a hawaii shirt and jorts.

I got pulled up but the man wasn't there. I just swam until I couldn't. There is no land or anything.

"MOM!" I just wanted my mother to hug me and guide me to land. I couldn't keep on going. I fall backwards and just drown. I hope I will just drown in my favorite thing. It was the most relaxing thing ever.

But after a minute it wasnt relaxing. It was dangerous. I tried to go up but couldn't.

"Are you ok!" An unknown voice says. It made me turn trying to look for who was talking.

But suddenly I get pulled by my legs. I scream.

I wake up and no one is around me. I must've been seeing things.

It is 9 am. I am late to class again so I make it in. Everyone is looking straight at me so embarrassing and I look a mess.

"Chryssa mind trying to explain why you are late?" I was just going to lie since it is easier than saying My mother kicked me out for underage drinking.

"I woke up late." She looked at me then went back to teaching so I sat in the back. With this boy, he has lowkey been staring at me all year.

I see that the black haired kid has passed me a note. I open it under my desk.

" Meet me outside after school and I can help you find out who your father is. Don't believe me Chryssa well you should. I know everything. The camp, your father, you having alcoholic problems, anything."

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