"Aaliyah, where did you get the money?"

Gulnaz enquired, looking at her younger sister with slight concern.

"Aapi, eidi"

Aaliyah had rushed to the bakery next to their home the first chance she had gotten and had been saving up to buy the pastry, she had used the eid money her family had gifted her.

Gulnaz smiled softly and kissed Aaliyah on the forehead.

"Aaliyah, that money was for you to spend on yourself,"

Aaliyah frowned, slightly nudging her sister.

"Whether I use it for myself or for you Api its the same"

Her sister kissed her forehead softly, shaking her head.

"What are we going to do with you"


Sultan watched attentively as his brother placed a coin into a transparent jar on top of the cabinet and then left. His family would be out in the evening, and the jar would be left unguarded. Alone. Resting on the cabinet, basking in all of its glory. The singular coin beckoned him to take it.

When he was sure everyone had left, he scanned the perimeter, strategically creating a plan. He'd climb on a chair and grab the coin, then leave, no one would know. He followed his plan, carrying the heavy chair with tiny steps , heaving it towards the cabinet door. He placed it down and sat to take a break. He then proceeded to steady himself onto it, wafting his arm on the dusty cabinet top, trying to grab the jar. He picked it up and brought it to eye level. With a grin, he took out the coin and placed the jar back proud of himself, a wide smile stretched on his face. That pride quickly turned to dread as he heard the latch of the door open. His muscles tensed and the panic made him unsteady. He hit the floor with a thud, the coin rolling out of his hand under the wooden table. He had no time. Sultan moved the chair with rushed movements and scurried for the coin. He felt like a mouse who was about to get caught. He heard his father's footsteps, and his hands landed on the coin. He quickly pocketed it and stood up straight. Swallowing his panic, he shouted his Salam and ran to his room.

Sultan got to his room and closed the door. He took out the coin and looked at it. His palms were sweaty and he had been holding his breath, after the initial excitement faded he furrowed his brows and lay down on his bed.He didn't actually know where to spend it. He hadn't actually taken it to spend it. He just wanted to see if it was possible to secretly take it.

A week went by without any trouble and Sultan had forgotten about the coin altogether. He had gone out the next day and bought a piece of candy, enjoying himself thoroughly.

"The fruit of stolen money tastes different"

he had thought to himself, still astounded that he had taken the coin.

He made his way downstairs, slouching lazily, at the bottom he saw his brother standing next to his dad with concern.

"Bring everyone"

his dad's voice was stern and it increased his anxiety. Soon the living room was crowded with all of his siblings and Sultan stood sheepishly by the side. One by one Asad asked his brothers if they'd stolen the coin, they all replied with no. When he reached Sultan he ducked down to his height. All of his brothers looked at Sultan and then the cabinet, it couldn't have been him. How would he have even taken it?

Asad placed his hand on Sultan's shoulder.

"Did you see anyone take the coin Sultan?"

Sultan shook his head, his gaze on the floor, he could feel himself burning up. They couldn't know it was him. They didn't know...did they?

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