Chapter 11

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Sultan stood at the airport tapping his foot. The announcements echoed, and people stood crowded in groups. He fidgeted with his hands pacing up and down waiting for Aaliyah. News of her illness circulated in his mind. The doctors had almost given up on her. Typhoid . His jaw was clenched as he waited. The speakers continued, and the herd of people shifted. There in the crowd, he spotted her. He ran without thinking. His legs carried him. She wore a black hijab, her pale skin slightly faded in colour. He stopped in front of her, holding her arms in worry.

"Are you okay? You should've waited to recover fully. I'm sorry I couldn't be there."


Aaliyah's voice was stern yet strained, full of fatigue. He looked at her, eyes darting as he examined each feature.

"I'm okay." She nodded towards him, and he stopped his thoughts, burying them where he stood.

"Let's get you something to eat," he clasped her hand, trying not to hold her with too much force and walked with her into one of the shops.

Aaliyah looked around, not finding anything that she found interesting, until her eyes fell on a pack of 'Werther's original butter candy'. Aaliyah picked them up and handed them to Sultan, who paid for them without a second thought. Aaliyah opened the pack as they walked out, placing one in her mouth. Her eyes burst wide open, and her gaze softened, tears welled up in her eyes. Sultan watched her with interest.

"These are the exact same as the toffees I used to have as a child." Aaliyahs smile spread across her face, and her dimples peaked out. The innocent glee shone in her eyes.

They made their way to the house, Sultan had briefed her before, that he lived with his friend and his wife. It was a small house, but it was better than nothing. For most of the day, Sultan was out at work, and Aaliyah would be left at home, but she didn't mind that suggestion.

They arrived and introduced each other. Fahrees and Mahreen that were their names, Aaliyah did not pay much attention to memorising them but listened with great respect. Mahreen was around the same age as Aaliyah and wore her hair out. It had been straightened, and her outfit was more modern than Aaliyah's. She seemed to be quite bubbly, passing a smile to them both. Sultan took aaliyah to their room, which had enough room for them to be comfortable. Aaliyah was not largely into fashion, so her clothes did not take up much room, and she was grateful for what they had. The first thing she did was read two rakats to thank Allah for this new beginning.

A day or two passed, and Aaliyah was making chai for herself, Mahreen walked in, a pair of black shades resting on her head.

"Aaliyah, I'm going to go shopping, why don't you come with?".

Aaliyah politely declined the offer and Mahreen shrugged and muttered

"your loss" before leaving. Both of their husbands had left for work and Aaliyah sat down at the table, silence surrounding her, and she smiled. It wasn't much, but at least there was peace.

A few days later, Mahreen once again invited her to go out, but Aaliyah once again refused.It wasn't long before the girl's demeanour changed drastically.

Aaliyah had just woken up and placed a dupatta on her head, she was making her way to the bathroom when Mahreen hurried in. Aaliyah thought nothing of it hearing the shower run. She went downstairs to make her husband breakfast. Over the next few weeks, this became a reoccurrence. Every time Aaliyah tried to go to the bathroom, Mahreen would stop her. Then she started waking up earlier and making breakfast around the time when Aaliyah would make hers. The kitchen was only big enough for one person, and this started to cause Aaliyah problems, it began to frustrate her, but she refrained from complaining to Sultan other than bringing it up in passing.

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