Chapter 5

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Aaliyah was sitting on the rooftop, her books sprawled out in front of her, pencil in one hand and book in the other. Her dark hair was braided and a flower her father gave her was resting on her ear. He had just walked into this private study session of hers and had turned around to leave.

"Papa I need to tell you something"

He turned back around and moved towards her. Her father had a strong build and he was light on his feet. There was grace in his every movement. He sat down across from her, inviting her to carry on.

"I don't want to do medicine anymore"

The words were abrupt and left her mouth as though they were in a race. Malik Hussain looked at his daughter, eyebrow raised.

"But beta you got such good marks, other people would wish to be in the position you're in"

He frowned then continued.

"But you must've thought this through, why don't you want to do medicine anymore?"

Aaliyah refused to look up from her books.

"Papa everything is going to be in English and everyone else is going to be taking tuitions and I know I'll pass but I know I won't get the marks that I want. If I choose another subject I'll get a better grade"

He weighed her options.

"Have you thought carefully about this Aaliyah?"

She nodded looking at him with hopeful eyes.

"What have you decided you want to do instead?"

"Economics" she said.

"Then I have no problem with your decision. If you know you won't regret it, I support whatever you choose".

"Thank you abu"

The stars twinkled in the sky and the white light of the rooftop shone.

"You're more important to me than anything you choose to do, I want all of my daughters to be well-educated so they know how to survive in life. Knowledge is never useless, do whatever you wish Aaliyah"

He placed a kiss on Aaliyah's head and she snuggled into her fathers embrace with a smile. She felt safe.


When education comes to an end, we find ourselves in the world of work, whether it be something that we are prepared for or not. Sultan did not know what he wanted to do,what he did know was that he was interested in the travel and hospitality sector. He studied journalism and islamic studies and he used to wish to be a pilot. He found work in a travel agency but to his luck it was about to shut down.

It was one of these days, where Sultan felt that he was losing hope when Asad sat him down and spoke.

"Sultan, a friend of mine has just opened a new travel agency branch, I'll give you the address and you should apply there, I'll tell him to expect you."

"Thank you" Sultan held his brother's hand in gratitude. An eagerness present in his eyes, his shoulders eased feeling lighter with the new suggestion.

He was a hard working young man who would do just about anything you asked from him, a jack of all trades so to speak. He settled into the new agency with ease and it quickly became popular, he moved up in rank and was an employee that was both respected and relied upon.

Everything seemed to be working out, until it didn't.

It was a stormy night when it happened. The sky cried and the world spun as he walked into the living room. His manner was robotic as he slouched down, supported by the wall. The earth seemed to swallow him whole and the stars fell from the sky. He felt as though his world had just collapsed. He buried his face in his hands feeling a piece of him shatter.

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