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Little warning, if you're not into butt stuff, beware. We're going pegging.

It had been a couple of weeks since Han and Leia's funeral. And in those two weeks, you and Ben had figured out what was happening with the apartment. He said he was happy to stay there on his own. But in that week you found out that Rey and Poe had broken up, so Ben offered for Poe to stay with him. But now that the stress of the funeral was over, you were able to sort it all out without the pressure of Han and Leia weighing on your shoulders.

You got all of your belongings out of the apartment and left all of the furniture that he wanted with him. You weren't going to take things from him. You weren't going to do that to him after everything.

Ben had told you and Kylo that he was leaving Rebels publishing to work at another smaller firm. And Kylo was reluctant on him leaving. He offered better wages, a better office, but Ben didn't want to. Her couldn't. He didn't want to see his brother every day at work. And you understood. After talking with Kylo about it, he finally understood, too. It was just easier for Ben that way. Kylo paid him out, and some extra, and said he'd be Ben's reference if he needed.

There was no bad blood with Ben leaving Kylo's firm. It was just a personal choice. Kylo was quick to offer you a job and you tossed up your choices. Work under a psychotic bitch, or work under your mildly psychotic boyfriend. You thought about removing yourself from the publishing force altogether, but you loved it too much. So you opted for the better option. You started work at Rebels, but told Kylo to keep things strictly professional at work. No favours, no public affection, nothing. You were just his employee there.

All the pent up energy was spent the minute you both got home.

Kylo had been back and forth to the police station for further questioning, but he was smart enough to keep his story straight and line it up with what Henry, his lawyer, had been saying.

Kylo was going to court tomorrow.

And you haven't thought about anything but that.

"You need to relax," Kylo sighed.

"How?" You groaned as his fingers worked at a knot in your shoulder. "What if it backfires and you end up in prison?"

He chuckled darkly and leant down, pressing his lips to your ear. "You'd come visit me," he murmured. "I'll sweet talk to guards into having conjugal visits."

You smacked his hand away. "I'm being serious Kylo."

"So am I." He challenged, his eyes darkening as he gazed down at your lips.

You rolled your eyes. "Have you heard anymore about Adeline or Palpatine?" You asked.

He shook his head. "Nope. And I haven't heard from either of them myself either." He shrugged. "Not that I care."

You swallowed and nodded. You had to sit through a funeral two weeks ago, and tomorrow, you'll have to sit in a court room. Kylo told you it would probably be for the best that you stay home, but there was no way you were going to let him go through that alone. You knew you wouldn't be able to talk to him during it, but you hoped just being there put him at ease a little. He tries to tell you he's not worried and puts on a brave face, but you always find him smoking on the terrace at stupid hours of the morning. It's his way of coping. Smoking and sex.

Ben knew about it all too. Both you and him had even been asked to head down to the police station and answer questions.

Kylo knew they would go to the both of you for questioning, so the minute Kylo got home after the funeral and his initial questioning, he called Ben and told him what to say. That Hux and Chris were after Kylo and shot him instead. Ben still had all of the hospital paperwork with him, so that was more proof on their end. Kylo also made it very clear to Ben that Hux and Chris went missing and Kylo had nothing to do with it. Ben agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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