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Warning! This chapter is going to start off and end pretty rough. It will contain physical and emotional abuse. And throughout the chapter, there will be mentions of drugs and weapons.

Also, Adeline's in this chapter so. You know what that means. Also, Kylo is pretty brutal towards the end. It might even be classed as CNC. Idk. maybe not even consensual. The words like 'wait' and 'stop' aren't taken into account.

Yeah this chapter is gonna suck.

Love you guys!


"If you were even half of what your brother was, it'd be a fucking miracle."

"Uncle Luke I—"


Kylo stumbled backwards from his uncle's harsh blow. Kylo's head was pounding. The air was stale with the stench of whisky and cigarette smoke. Kylo's nose stung at the smell.

"Do not talk back to me," he slurred, barely able to stand upright.

Kylo knew to keep his mouth shut.

He had only been at his uncle's for a week. His parents didn't want to deal with Kylo and his antics.

He had been skipping school to see his friends and partake in their usual gatherings at an old dodgy building to do drugs. His parents were sick of him coming home high and unable to function properly. They didn't want Ben to see his brother like that.

Ever since he had been at his uncle's, he had been too scared to go out to see his friends. He was trying to stay on his uncle's 'good' side. He didn't want to be hit, kicked or burned anymore.

"I'm sorry." Kylo's voice cracked slightly as he backed away from his uncle. He was only fifteen at the time. He was a big boy. He was slightly taller and broader than Luke by now. But he didn't have it in him to fight back. Regardless of how badly his family treated him, he still loved them to an extent. He would never hurt them. He couldn't.

"'Sorry' won't fix what you've done," Luke snapped. "Your parents give you everything, and this is how you repay them?" He scoffed.

He was wrong. Kylo's parents barely paid him any attention. When Kylo's mental health started to deteriorate, they weren't there for him. They were never really there for him in the beginning. It was like he was a reject.

Kylo was too afraid to open his mouth as Luke backed him up against the wall of the small, filthy kitchen. He swallowed thickly, glancing down at Luke's hand which held a lit cigarette.

"You think you're so special, like you're God's gift to the world." Luke slurred, sizing his nephew up. He held a glass of straight whisky in one hand, and a cigarette in the other.

To Kylo, they were weapons. He's been hurt before by them. He just wasn't sure which one he would have to endure today. A cigarette burn, or being cut open by broken glass. Neither were a great option.

Kylo flinched as Luke raised his hand, taking a drag of his cigarette. His heart hammered in his chest. He was trapped. He had nowhere to go.

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