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Warnings: some blood and gore in this. Some mafia boss kinda vibes. Kylo isn't a mafia boss by any means. But he might as well be in this. Mentions of drugs/drug use and weapons too. It's gonna get messy. If you don't like the general gory interrogation bs I wouldn't read the last bit.

Anyways, enjoy!

You woke with a start. The rain had eased off by now, but it was still overcast outside. You were extremely hot and when your eyes finally adjusted, you quickly found out why.

You were laying on your side, still completely naked and Kylo had his face buried in your chest, his arm draped over your waist. His body was like a furnace and although you were practically sweating now, you didn't want to move. There wasn't anything sexual about what Kylo was doing in his sleep. It was more that he was seeking comfort.

You hoped you were able to give him that last night.

You tried to lay there for as long as possible, not wanting to disturb him. But you desperately needed the bathroom and a shower.

You slowly unwrapped yourself from his arms, trying your best not to wake him up. When you pulled the blanket back up over his body, he groaned softly in his sleep, but he didn't wake up.

You stood for a moment, admiring how innocent he looked when he was asleep. His jaw was relaxed, causing his plush lips to part slightly. His hair hung around his eyes and jaw, a couple strands were frizzy and curled due to last nights antics. He looked so young. So peaceful.

After what Kylo told you last night, seeing him like this caused your heart to ache.

You didn't have much to do with Luke. And Ben never really mentioned him either. But he never gave you an indication that Luke was a bad man. It made you wonder if Ben was ever hurt by his uncle, and he just hasn't told you.

You quietly made your way to the bathroom so you could pee and shower. You let the hot water sooth your sore muscles after you had washed your hair and body. When you brought the loofa between your legs you couldn't help but wince. It seems that every time you sleep with Kylo you're in pain the next day.

You didn't know how long you were in the shower for as your mind kept wandering back to what Kylo said last night.

You have never seen him so scared. He was so tormented by his dreams that even when you woke him up, he still thought he was dreaming. You were terrified. You've never seen that look in his eyes before. It's as if he wanted to kill you. If he hadn't of woken up properly, perhaps he might've.

When he finally realised what was going on, the look on his face broke your heart. He looked so fragile, that he could break any moment. You watched his brows furrow in confusion, his eyes glassy with sleep and fear. He looked so remorseful for something he had no control over.

You couldn't believe that his uncle was the reason for so many of his scars. He was the reason Kylo was the way he was. Or at least one of them. You didn't know Kylo's past. But after hearing what he had to say last night, you couldn't help but think back to Han and Leia. Surely they knew what was going on? How could they let there son live in a place where he was abused every day? You felt anger bubble in your throat as you imagined them being completely ignorant with Kylo. The last time he got brought up at dinner with them, they completely disregarded him.

You knew it wasn't your place to ask questions, but you desperately wanted to know what went on.

When you finished in the bathroom, you quietly padded back to your bedroom to dress yourself. You glanced over at the bed, pleased that Kylo was still fast asleep. After last night, you wanted him to sleep in. Something was telling you that Kylo rarely did that even if he had the chance to.

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