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Warning: this chapter will contain themes regarding death, gore and dealing with the loss of a loved one.

If you're in a place where this may make you uncomfortable, please do not read.

Your mental health matters xxx

It had been an excruciatingly long and depressing week.

You tried your best to stay out of Kylo and Ben's business when it came to organising their parents funeral. That was unless they wanted your help, of course. But you didn't want to intrude. You felt that if you stayed around while they organised it, that it would suffocate them and make it worse for them.

You knew it wouldn't be easy for the two of them to work together to organise it all. Not after everything that has happened.

The day after the accident, the police had called Ben and asked that he come to formally identify his parents' bodies. You were surprised when he called his brother, asking that he come with him. He didn't want to do it alone. He's never seen a dead body before. Kylo had seen countless, and had been the reason for majority of them. But they were his parents he was seeing. You had no idea how he'd react.

But you were glad they went together. You knew there would be tension and awkward silence between the two of them. But they needed each other. They needed to put everything behind them for a moment and deal with the loss of their parents.

When Kylo returned home, he was pale and withdrawn. He was traumatised. He hardly spoke to you that whole day when he returned in the morning. He just sat in his office as he looked up funeral homes and solicitors to organise everything. You tried your best to comfort him, but he had shut down completely. You didn't know what to do for him when he wasn't talking. You knew it would be hard for him. Talking about his feelings wasn't one of his strong points.

So all you did was kiss his temple, told him that you were there for him and that you loved him, and left him alone.

You called Ben to check in on him and he was no better. But at least he actually spoke to you. Even if his voice was flat and distant.

He told you how terrifying it was seeing them like that. He told you that they looked exactly the same as the last time he saw them. Leia's hair was curled but a little disheveled, her make up was light and her lipstick was slightly smudged. The only thing different about her was the gashes across her face from the windows shattering and the glass slashing across her face. Her neck was bent at an odd angle, and her limbs were broken or cut up. Han, on the other hand, was completely crumpled.

The police had told Ben and Kylo that it was a drunk driver that had ploughed into them at an intersection. He had gone through a red light and T-boned into the side of their car. Han copped the full force of the impact, and the car was completely torn to shreds. The drunk driver had been taken to hospital with critical injuries, but the bastard got to live. You hoped that he got to live out the rest of his life in prison.

Ben had told you how he sobbed into his hands as Kylo just stared at his parents. Not a single tear fell from his lashes. But he was completely broken. Numb.

Ben and Kylo identified their bodies for the emergency responders and the people working in the mortuary and they left.

Ben and Kylo had been working together, going over their wills and other assets. Not surprisingly, everything in their will was to go to Ben. Nothing was to go to Kylo. You hoped that they had done their wills years ago and they just hadn't had the chance to change them when Kylo came back. But Kylo wasn't bothered by it. Ben was offering that he could have half of everything but all Kylo did was shake his head and tell him no.

Torn / Kylo|Ben x Reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें