Chapter One

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(Before you start reading there's some need to know stuff it might not all make sense right now but it will once you read. Anyway the mafia is made up of demons with the exception of Rin's Dad. He's human but that's because he has power and influence to become part of the mafia. Also, the order of birth is Sango, Kagome, then Rin just in case you didn't know. Next are the ages of the characters are: Sango 25, Kagome 21, Rin 18, Inuyasha 22, Miroku 25. Sesshomaru is 26 but since he's a demon he's older but, just for this story I'm keeping him at that. Lastly the reason Sango and Kagome don't leave to go live elsewhere is because they don't want to leave Rin and, they'll be hunted down and dragged back. Okay so that's everything you need to know for now Please enjoy!)

Sesshomaru POV:

I sat in my office looking at the pile of work. I had so much work to get done and such little time to do it. Taking a short break I lean back in my chair reflecting on what has happened these past few days. My father died last week. It was heart breaking, yes I am still mourning him. No I am not showing it. When I was being taught how to run this business I was told never to show emotion. I have never once shown anyone my tears and I never shall. Even when my mother and father got a divorce I never shed a tear. Obviously yes I do love them both. Yes I was heart broken when being told they were separated but I never showed it. I lived with my father after the divorce and he taught me everything about the mafia, I grew up around it. I visited my mother on weekends but besides that it was just me and my father. After some time I knew that he started dating a new woman. From what I understood she was very beautiful and kind but, she was also human. It was hard for me to accept it after all humans are just annoying creatures. Anyway, I never had the pleasure of meeting her but, I guess if she made him happy that's what mattered. Even if she was human. Eventually I heard rumors that they had a child. If that was so then that meant that I had a brother and that he was a half demon. The rumors never stopped and my Father never paid attention to them so I guess they weren't true. Even if they were my Dad kept that under raps. There was a loud knock at the door which interrupted my thoughts.

"Come in," I sighed already knowing who it was. My mother walked silently into my office and towards my desk. After the passing of my father she moved closer to me. I tried to tell her I was fine and didn't need her to keep checking in with me. But she insisted to stay around. So, I decided to leave her be. That was a mistake.

"My son why are you cooped up in your office all day? It's three in the afternoon and you have been here since six in the morning," she said with what seemed to be a concerned tone. I try to focus back into my work and ignore her. She watches me while I start to write and read some papers, she snarls.

"Sesshomaru you may ignore me all you want but I am going nowhere." She walks over to one of my couches in the corner of the room and sits down. I start to continue working and become very focused in my work. My assistant walks in every few minutes or so to collect everything I have finished.

Before realizing it I finished all of my work. Leaning back in my chair I look at the time it's already twelve thirty in the morning. It literally took the entire day to finish all of that work, I'm exhausted. My assistant walks in to collect the last of my work. She asks me if she should call the car around and I nod at her. She then leaves quickly. After the door closes I look over at the couch my mother was sitting on. She isn't there. Maybe she left while I was focusing on my work. Whatever is doesn't matter at least she's out of the way for now. I turn my chair to the huge window behind me. I stand up and look through it. Without my consent my thoughts start to wonder and before I know it I am thinking of my father. The last time we ever spoke he asked me if I had someone to protect.

"No I don't," I said upsettingly. Why the hell would I have someone to protect? Its weakness. If I have someone that I love by my side then my enemies will want to hurt them. It would be stupid to have someone like that. Besides, what do you get out of that anyway? Its pointless.

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