Chapter Fifteen

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She ran through the darkened halls. Every step she took drained her tireless. Yet she pushed on with her every bit of strength as blood poured from a gaping wound in her belly.

"Please come back little rabbit...," he sang with a teasing tone. Her knees buckled at the sound of his voice. "I only want to love you...," he continued to tease. Turning the corners to yet another dark hall her feet were tricked. A slimy snake like creature wrapped itself around her ankle pulling her to the floor. Her stomache was first to crash into the cold hard floor followed by her head. "There is no escaping my are mine and will be forever," he chuckled loudly. Quickly she turned around and reached for the tentacle wrapped around her ankle. "I don't think so rabbit." A cold hand grabbed her wrist and pinned her to the ground. The fresh smell of blood and death which made its home on his being flew into her nostrils making her want to gag.

"Get off of me you sick bas-," a sharp pain shot up from her belly cutting her off.

"You are not getting away this time." His hand continually press's into her wound causing her to shout. "Scream darling, I want to hear it."

"He...won't stand for," she managed to breathe.

"I was counting on it." He spat. Then taking notice of her weakened state a devilish smirk placed itself on his face. "But until then....let us have some fun,"

{Rin POV}

Sweat dripped down the side of my face as my eyes flew open. A heart beat pumps loudly in my head when I move my hands. The rambling chains screaming in my ears. That's right I'm in this...where ever I am.

How long have I been here? Days? Weeks? I can't remember. It seems somethings have been really hard to hold on to since my time being here. Almost everyday I seem to be forgetting things but, I do know that every day my captors walk in and make me drink this awful liquid thing. Wait. Was that just one day? Or did they do it a few days in a row? Did they do it yesterday? Maybe the day before? Hold on, what is today anyway? Is today today or is it tomorrow? No its yesterday? Right? I'm so confused and everyday being here makes it worse. I can't remember what they're doing to me.

The door to my prison opens and Byakuya steps through the door. Like if I wanted to see his face. "Hello little vixen," he sang. I look the other way and try not to face him. If there's one thing that I will remember it'll be his name. This sicko's been the one to give me my 'medicine' as he likes to call it, that god awful liquid. "I brought a guest for you. He seems quite excited to see you actually." Byakuya steps back out of sight and another figure blocks the doorway. A man guessing from the broad shoulders and height.

"My you are as lovely as ever if I might say so myself," a dark voice rings.

"What's it to you," I say disgusted. The man moves in front of me and squats down. The lighting in the room is horrible so I can't see his face.

"Still that old spunk. You truly have not changed." Have I met this guy before? "Don't look so confused my dear. I know you don't remember me it was such a long time ago but do not fear. Soon enough everything will make sense." It doesn't take a genius to know there's a grin plastered on his face. He reaches out with his hand and gently touches my face. The icy hand caress my face stinging me with its glacier feel. "Soon....," he mumbles quietly.

You? Fell in Love?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora