Chapter Seven

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《 A BETRAYAL pt.2》

{Rin POV}

The cocktails at this party aren't so bad. Considering I hardly ever go to any parties. I'm hanging around the mini bar mainly because I know no body here. Kagome is talking to Koga right now. His father has known our father since before our parents were married. So I guess you could say he's like our brother but, you don't have to be an expert to know how long he's been in love with Kagome. It's actually kind of funny. Before I know it I'm smiling.

"Rin." I feel someone place there hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see the blue eyes that I hate most.

"Yes Heaven?" I ask.

"Your father wants you he's standing over there." She points over to the group of men my father is talking to. Without saying anything I walk over to him.

"Ah there she is," father says placing a small kiss on my cheek. He liked to play pretend when we're in public. "This is my youngest daughter, Rin. Is she not a beauty to behold?" The men agree with him.

"Thank you father. You're kindness is truly something extra ordinary," I say sarasticly. My father glares at me but quickly looks back to the group.

"So what do you say?" There are small whispers exchanged through the group.

"Well your daughter truly is a marvelous and beauitful woman..," one starts. "I am sure that my Lord would love to have her." Have her? Have. Her. What does he mean by that?

"I am glad to hear that actually because I have two other girls. Of course the tonic would have to be given to them first but, it's proven quiet successful." More whispers are exchanged around the group and I am completely lost. Tonic? What the hell is he talking about? I look at my father who has a satisfied smile on his face. Right next to him I see Heaven doing the same thing. That's it I want answers!

"Excuse me but I think I have to use the little ladies room. Mother could you please come with me." Before she has anytime to deny I grab her wrist and practically drag her to the bathroom trying not to make a scene. Once inside I lock the door and turn around to face her. "Okay Heaven what the hell is going on?"

"I don't know what your talking about," she says calmly looking in the mirror.

"Don't give me that BS what the hell are you two up to?" I'm starting to get really angry right now. She turns from the mirror and looks at me smiling.

"Oh Rin do you honestly think I, " She places a hand on her chest, "could be capable of hurting you?" I snort at her, something non lady like I know but still. "Oh common your not gonna make me blow the fun are you?" I stab her with my eyes. "Uh....fine..just don't freak when you find the answer....," she says leaning against the counter. I lean against the wall so I can face her. "This party is to make business pairings. Your father brought you and your sisters here so that he can sell you away to some rich sick mafia person." Anger flooded through me and I wanted to scream but kept my cool. "He probably already sold you off. Now there's just the other two....," she trailed off. I clenched my fists and was about to lunge at her when a question came to mind.

"What did he mean when he said Tonic?" She looked at me schocked but shook it off.

"Trust me you don't want to know about that sweetie," she said making her way towards the door. I blocked her way.

"Try me."

{Sesshomaru POV }

I hate being here but, aparently it's imparative that I came. I could have sent Anne to meet with these females instead of me. However, Totosai was very prsistant in me comming. Apperently there is something of the importance that needs my attention. Even so he is no where in sight and this irratates me.

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