Chapter Thirteen

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{Rin POV}

"Congratulations! It's about time you two got together!" I scream into my phone.

"Thanks Rin," Kagome giggles.

"When I get home I want the complete story details and all." I sit back in the sofa making my self more comfortable.

"Don't worry I promise I will tell you everything down to the last bit." I laugh at that when the door to the office opens and Annie walks in. She stares at me for a minute a little shocked as to why I am here. Oh yea, in case you're wondering I'm in Sesshomaru's work office. Class let out early so I meet up with him here. He seemed to be very pleased when I walked in so I guess it's fine. Anyway he stepped out a couple of minutes ago so I called Kagome to catch up a little bit. "Rin?" I snap out of my staring contest with Annie and focus on my phone again.

"I'm sorry Kagome. What were you saying?" Annie looks away from me and walks over to Sesshomaru's desk.

"It's okay you're probably distracted right now so just call me back when you get to the apartment, " she says.

"Are you sure?" I ask keeping my eyes locked on Annie. I just get a bad feeling when I'm around her. It's hard to explain but let's just say I'd never put my guard down around her.

"Yea I'm sure it'll give us a lot more time to catch up later and I can give you every little detail," she says cheerfully.

"Alright then. Bye love ya sis!"

"Love you too." I hang up the phone and place it in my bag. I take a quick glance up to look at Annie. She starts to shuffle through pappers on Sesshomaru' s desk. Organizing each one neatly and leaving it prepared for him. Before she looks up I grab a book that I am reading and open it up. Mainly because I want to look as if I'm doing something proactive. Also, I'm in love with this story and want to continue reading it. I'm sure you've heard of it. It goes by the name of "Romeo and Juliet". It's werid kind of. I love getting lost in the idea of having loved someone so much you'd sacrifice yourself. Maybe I'm weird. Awwell.

"Ahem." I look up from my book to see Annie staring down at me.what does this witch want?

"Can I help you?" I ask trying not to sound annoyed.

"Uhm...well....," Annie looks down nervously. "I just...wanted to apologize.," she sighs. I close my book and place it on the glass coffe table. Trying not to break eye contact with her.

"Oh really," I say. Annie walks around the coffee table and sits next to me, while still maintaining a distance.

"You see I was foolish to think that you are a nuisance. So, I wish to apologize for my rudeness the other day." I stare at her with an arched eyebrow.

"Not that I care or really I guess I do...why are you apologizing?" Annie looks down causing her red locks to fall over her face.

"I suppose......I've had a chance of heart," she whispers. Not a second later does she look back up into my eyes. "But that no longer matters. What matters now is if you accept my cruel ways towards you?" I look at her with great suspicion.

"I....guess....I do forgive you bu-"

"Excellent!" Annie jumps from her seat and looks down at me. "Now that we are on speaking terms.....I should inform you that Sesshomaru should be here any minute." I start to put my book away and place my bag at the side of the sofa.

"Did he tell you ahead of time or di-"

"No I can sense him coming up the elevator." I mentally slap myself. 

"I see." Of course she's a demon! Why did I think she was human for a minute? I'm not sure but, I wont make that mistake again. I need to be more observant. Annie ignores my scolding myself and walks over to the door. I stare at her as the door opens and she greets Sesshomaru.

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