Chapter Six

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《A BETRAYAL pt. 1》

(A/N: Hello everyone! I'm back! I am sorry if you have problems seeing the picture at the beginning of this chapter. I am still new to wattpad so I'm learning about all the stuff you can do and everything. Anyway enjoy! ^.^)

{Rin POV}

I look over my exam one last time. Perfect! I get up from my seat and walk up to my professors desk. Silently I slid it onto his desk. When I woke up this morning it was as if my sickness vanished. I feel completely refreshed and pumped. Currently, I am the last one to hand in my exam. It's a really big grade and I'm a little nervous to be honest.

Before I have a chance to walk away the professor stops me,"ah Rin."

"Yes sir?" He stands up from his desk and looks at me.

"I see you took the time to look over your exam as always. I expect big things from you," he pushes his glasses back and I soon find myself blushing from the complement.

"Thank you sir," I say then start to exit the room.

"Wait Rin," I walk back to his desk.

"Yes professor?" He starts to shuffle through papers on his desk. Then he pulls out a small pan fleet and hands it to me.

"You see Rin tonight there is going to be a special seminar for all doctors in training and I maybe thought that you might me interested." I start to look through the pan fleet excitedly . "Since you are at the top of the class I presume that you will be attending?" Hell yea! of course I'll go! This can help give me some really good experience and-wait. I start to feel a twist in my stomach as I look up at my professor.

"I'm sorry sir but, I can not go tonight." Tonight's the party thing father wanted us to go to. If I don't go who knows what he'll do to me our my sisters. It's just something I really cant risk. He looks at me the somewhat smirk he has starts to disappear.

"I see." I look at him sadly and try to hand him the pan fleet.

"No," he gestures for me to stop. "Keep it. You see I had hoped you could attend tonight but, it was my fault thinking you could make it last minute. So...," he sits down at him computer. "The next one has not been posted yet but, when it is available I shall let you know so you may attend." A smile starts to creep up on my face.

"Thank you sir!" I quickly skip out of the room and down the hall. This is exciting! I cant wait. I just hope the party father is making us attend tonight is worth missing the seminar. I would of loved to have gone but I guess not. Anyway, I guess it's fine. I mean hey after tonight I can go to school without any problems. Then, maybe after I can get a job and move the hell out of that hell whole. That's something to look forward to huh?

I stop my weird happy walk and enter the elevator. Once inside I start to get side tracked a little. I don't know what time the party is exactly but, Sango said as soon as I finished with school to go home so I can get ready. One thing I truly hated was getting all dressed up in tight clothes and putting pounds of makeup on. It's not something I really like, I mean sure I have my days were I wanna look nice but you know. Still like I said before since it's for the better of my sisters then I'll suck it up. The elevator dings and I know I'm back on the first floor. I walk out the elevator and head down the hall. Maybe I should call Sango so I can get a ride home? Yea that sounds good to me. I start to shuffle through my bag. Where's my phone at? Did I forget it?

"Ouch." Before I know it I'm on my butt and my face hurts. "Excuse you-"

"Rin?" I look up to see the man I bumped into. It's no one other than Sesshomaru.

"Okay this is starting to get weird." He helps me up and starts to collect my books.

"I'm sorry I suppose I wasn't paying attention," he says handing me my textbook.

"No it was my fault I should look where I'm going." I take my book gladly. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I have some business to attend with one of the professors here. What about you? You seemed distracted?" I wonder what business he had to take care of.

"Oh well this is where I go to school and I was going to call my sister to pick me up but I can't find my phone." I start to shuffle through my bag again. "I thought it was here but....," I trail off.

"Do you need a ride?" I look up at him.

"Oh oh! that's okay I'm fine." If father ever saw me pull up in a car with some random man driving it I'll be in huge trouble. Sesshomaru raises an eyebrow at my uneasiness. "I'm sorry its just um well...," I pause biting my lip thinking of an excuse to decline his offer. " sister would be really worried if I showed up with a man she doesn't know." I look at him hoping he would buy my excuse.

"Okay," he said without hesitation but I could tell there was a little uncertainty. We stared at eachother in an awkward moment.

"Well as good as it was to see you I have to be going now," I tell him a little rushed.

"I will see you soon I hope," he says.

"Yea hopefully."

Later that day........

{Kagome POV}

"I know Inuyasha....but I have to go," I say while doing my hair in the mirror. I'm on the phone with Inuyasha right now. We are leaving for the party in about twenty minutes.

" know how I've always felt about you going to parties evolving the mafia."

"I'll be fine Inuyasha I have Sango and Rin to watch my back. Okay? Don't worry." The phone goes silent.

"Fine. Fine but the minute something goes wrong call me okay? I have a bad feeling." I finish what I'm doing and look down.

"I'll be safe Inuyasha don't worry. I'll call you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay...bye." He hangs up. I let out a small sigh and look at my yellow dress (The yellow dress at the beginning. Sorry I'm not good at describing dresses.) I put my hair up in a high pony tail and also put a little bit of yellow eyeshadow. Then to tie everything together I had a black choker, yellow high heels and, some lip gloss.

"I cant wait till this night over." I turn around to see Sango stumble in my room. She has on a green dress that reaches her knees.

"Kagome can you...please..," she motions towards her hair. I smile and walk over to help her out. I put her hair up in a bun and hand her green high heels and a bracelet. "Thank you so much."

"Well you two look hot!" We both turn our heads and see Rin watching us. She has on a beauitful red dress with red high heels, golden earrings, and a golden necklace.

"Not as much as you," Sango said and I whole heartedly agreed. The three of us embraced in a tight hug. "Are you guys ready?" Sango asked. We all let go of the hug and looked at eachother.

"Yes." Rin and I said together.

{Heaven POV}

This is too funny. Honestly. I'm standing right outside Kagome's room hearing the girls conversation. They are truly annoying. I can't stand being in the same house as them. It just makes my stomach twist knowing we're under the same roof but, that won't last to long.

I walk into the room and cut into what they are doing. "Okay girls time to go." They look at the time then at eachother. "Come on darlings." One by one they start to exit the room. I follow them down the hall and watch as they exist the house.

"Are they in the car yet?" Daryl asks. (Daryl is Sango, Kagome's, and Rin's father)

"Of course." I turn around to see a middle aged man walking down the stairs.

"Good everything is set up for tonight." I walk over and start to fix his tie. "Hopefully we can set up an engagement."

"We shall with the help of that drug that was given to us," I say stepping away from him. He smiles at me then locks my arm with his.

"Then let us be off."

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