Chapter three

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Kagome POV

"Okay kids so...can anyone tell me why did John Gravestone kill his brother?" I gave the kids class work to do yesterday while I was out. It was to continue the book we were reading The Betrayal (this is a made up book just in case you didn't know). Sota, one of my brightest students, raises his hand. "Yes Sota?"

"Because he was jealous of his brothers wealth," he says shyly.

"Excellent Sota! Because he was jealous and, what do we know from jealousy? Nothing good comes out of it!" I smile at the kids when the bell rings. "Okay you guys remember the homework I assigned for next Thursday. Have a nice weekend guppies!" I always like comming up with names for the kids and they don't seem to mind. Sucking in air to my lungs I sit at my desk. I was tired from all of yesterday's excitement.


When father returned home he was with Rin. Me and Sango were upset that she wasn't able to get away. It had seemed like the perfect plan but we still failed. Father hit Rin multiple times after returning and it put me to tears having been forced to watch by his henchmen. When father had enough he started to act really weird.

"I tell you what....," he said facing Rin who Sango was holding. "I'll make you a deal.....I'll let you go to school." We all looked at eachother in schock.

"Stop lying to her!" I yelled at him. He eyed me but overlooked what I said.

"Listen Rin I will let you go to 'school' or whatever the hell you do......if you and your sisters attend a party I have to go to next week." We all looked at eachother confused.

"Why are you saying this?" Sango questioned. He looked at us and smirked. He never answered that question and instead walked out of the living room with Heaven.


I sighed. Even thinking about last night gave me goosebumps. We've been trying to figure out why he made that deal. I mean after all these years now he wants to change? It didn't add up. Still, for now we were grateful.

"Kagome?" I turn from my desk to the door.

"Oh, Hojo can I help you?" Hojo is my boss and the principal of the school.

"Yes well....a young man came in and asked for you. I belive he's outside right now." Young man? Who the heck asked for me? Me?

"Really? Uumm....I guess I'll go see who it is since I'm already on my way out." I stand up and start to gather my work. I take my bag and put all of my paper work inside. Then I grab my purse and lesson book then head towards the door.

"Well I'll see you Monday Hojo." I say leaving my classroom. As I head down the hall I try to think who would ask for me.

I exit the doors to the school when I see someone sitting on a bench across the street. I quickly walk across the street to the bench. It's a guy and, he's laying down on the bench with a jacket over his face. I looked at him confused as he layed there breathing deeply.

"Uumm....sir? Are you okay?" God I hope this isn't some hobo. The man moans. "S-sir?" I poke his ribs and an annoyed sound comes out. He starts to sit up.

"Excuse me lady but I'm waiting for someone could you ple-" we stared at eachother as the jacket slid off his face.

"I-Inuyasha?" He looked at me with his golden eyes that I loved.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha jumped up and hugged me. He gripped me tight and swung me around in a circle. "I've missed you," he whispered. I returned his hug happily.

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