Chapter Four

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{Rin POV}

" least let me - Sesshomaru?" I asked shocked as I glance at him. He straightens himself and glances at me.

"Rin?" We stare at eachother in schock. He looks down at me then at my hand that was still placed on his chest. My cheeks heat up when I realize how long my hand was there.

"I uh...sorry I didnt...mean...," I stutter while moving my hand. He looks down at me blankly.

"it does not matter it is just a shirt." I look down feeling bad for what I did. Then an idea comes to mind.

"Hey how about I buy you a new shirt then maybe we can get a new cup of coffee and I'll try not to spill it on you?" I gesture towards his chest. He continues to look at me. Maybe he's considering what I said.

"It's just a shirt. I have thousands," he said looking at me.

"Well I'm sure you do but, do you really want to walk around like that?" He looks down at his stained short then back up at me.

"I suppose." I jump with joy at his answer.

"Okay! I know a nice place around here that sells suits and stuff." I through away my crushed cup of coffee and exit the coffee shop. There is a red haired woman leaning against a black car. Once Sesshomaru exists she stands straight.

"Sir...your...," Sesshomaru puts up a hand up so she wouldn't say anything.

"I will be back later and meet you at the office." She nodded and quickly climbed into the car and pulled off. I felt guilty that he dismissed his work. "Are we going?" He asked me. I nodded and started to lead him down the street. We walked in silence for a few minutes until it became too awkward for my tastes.

" about you tell me about yourself," I say trying to spark a conversation.

"Why?" He groans not looking down at me.

"Because that's what people do when they wanna be friends." He turns his head and looks down at me, staying quiet. "I'm guessing you're not a people person huh?" He arches his eyebrow at me, "see this is the part where you laugh and respond sarasticly." He continued to stare at me. So I gave up and focused on what was ahead of me.

"Why do you not tell me about yourself instead?" I jerked my head to him.

"So he speaks," I giggle. He turns his head towards me with an annoyed look. "Okay okay. Well...umm...I'm the youngest of three. Sango's the oldest, she's a physical therapist and she also goes to the gym and boxes. Then it's Kagome, the middle child, she's a school teacher."

"What do you do?" He asked.

"I'm a sophmore in college, nothing special."

"What do you study?"

"Medicine. I wanna be a doctor and save lives." I felt his eyes on me. He was burning a hole right through my head. I turned my head to him and meet his gaze. He looked at me as if I said the most interesting thing in the world. "What?" I questioned. He continued to stare at me.

"Nothing." I pouted at that word as he turned his gaze forward. He says nothing but his eyes tell me he's interested in something.

"You say that bu- oh look!" I cut in to my own words. "We're here." I grab Sesshomaru' s wrist and turn him around walking into the store behind him. I drag him to the nearest rack and let go of his wrist.

I start to look through the shirts glancing at him every few minutes. "Hhmm....your very strong so...," I blushed at my words then picked a shirt. "Here this should be your size go change and I'll find you a new tie." He didn't say anything just took the shirt and left to the dressing room. As I watched him walk away I walked over to the tie section and began my search.

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