"You guys got a smoke?" Season 7-Part 5

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(A/n: this chapter actually takes place way further in season 7 but we're gonna ignore that for the plot also if some of this doesn't make sense, please ignore it. I wrote this at 2am)

"Maddie? Are you home?" Callie called out and Maddie groaned, she was supposed to be at school but she overslept and decided she wouldn't go in. Plus, it was Halloween, why would she go to school on Halloween? "Yeah, I'm home." Callie had been staying at home for weeks now in an attempt to calm down Maddie's 'wild side' as Callie called it.

"Okay Maddie, what do you want for dinner later?" The elder sister questioned as Maddie straightened her back and sat up. "I don't know." The teen shrugged as she continued scrolling on her phone. "Okay how about pizza, hamburgers, meatloaf, spaghetti, fried chicken, hot dogs."

Callie began listing things off, however Maddie wasn't paying attention. "Maddie? Hello? Maddison? Maddison! Don't you ignore me! Maddison Shirley Black, you answer me right now!"

"Jesus, what?" Maddie raised her voice slightly as she spoke to her sister who placed her hands on her hips. "You know, I'm getting sick and tired of your behaviour, you're acting so disrespectfully." Callie lectured as Maddie looked over her phone to watch her sister. "I have no idea what provoked you to act so horridly towards me, and everyone else around you, but it has to stop. You're grounded!"

"You can't ground me, you're not my mom." Maddie scoffed and Callie scoffed back, almost mocking her younger sisters tone. "Oh yeah, watch me!" She slammed her bedroom door harshly as Maddie rolled her eyes. "And get ready for school, you can go in late!" Callie yelled through the closed door and Maddie flipped her sister off before reluctantly rolling out of bed.


Later on that day, Maddie came back from school
to find locks on her windows and door, the door was unlocked at the moment. However, the window was locked. "Callie!" She groaned loudly before slumping on her bed dramatically. Soon enough, her sister appeared in the doorway with a smug smile on her face. "Yeah?"

"You can't just lock me in a room! That's child abuse which is illegal!" Maddie screamed and Callie crossed her arms over her chest. "It's not child abuse. As long as I'm not abusing you whilst locking you in there then it's perfectly legal."

"Callie, please. Ground me tomorrow or whatever , I'll listen to you from now on. Just don't ground me today, today is Halloween!" Maddie complained as her eyebrows scrunched up. "No Maddison! I can't give you a punishment that you don't mind, cause then you won't learn!"

"You know, I don't even know why you're here!" Maddie changed the topic and Callie was taken aback. "You don't know why I'm here?! Maddison, you're the reason why I'm here-and it's not a good reason let me tell you that! You should be grateful mom and dad aren't here!"

"So the only time you show up for me is when I'm in trouble, and mom and dad can't even be bothered to come and punish their own daughter? Pathetic." Maddie spat out the words and Callie frowned angrily. "You know that's not true! Mom and Dad are busy, they have work!"

"Oh come on, they're always busy! They spend all their time on work trips instead of with us and you know I'm right!" Maddie's voice cracked and she took a small breath before continuing. "I mean, normally nobody's ever here looking after me. It's like nobody can stand to be around me."

"Maddison..." Callie began, however she couldn't quite find the words to express that she did care about her little sister. She wasn't sure what to say. "You don't want to be here with me. You didn't wanna come back, I know that. You were happier where you were, so are mom and dad. You wanna go away again but you feel like you can't cause you have to 'fix me'."

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