"Maybe he just really likes snack bars." SEASON 6-PART 9

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"Look what someone left in the mailbox, again." Haley walked into the kitchen holding a white flower and Maddie frowned. "Is that a rose?"

Haley nods as she twirls the rose around in her fingers and Maddie smiles. "Aww that's kinda cute." Luke frowned at her as Claire began to say how it was the fifth flower they had received. "Don't you think it's kinda stalker-ish?" Luke mumbled in her ear and she shook her head. "I mean as long as none of them have trackers or cameras, no it's fine."

"Relax guys, it's probably just from Victor, that flower-delivery guy I dated." Haley informed them all as Claire spun around. "Who's Victor? We never heard about him?" She walked closer to Haley who was twirling the rose between her fingers, luckily all the thorns had been picked off of it. "Oh, because I knew you'd never let me go out with an ex-con."

"Or it could be his younger brother, Harrison. The one you dated Maddie." Haley nudged the girl who rolled her eyes. "God I hope not, he was annoying and so sexist. His brother was cute though and he was so hung up on you, I think it's Victor."

"Hey, maybe it's Dylan trying to wing you back." Phil spoke cheerily as he looked up from his newspaper at the table. "So, Victor, it's a closed door?" Claire looked down at her eldest daughter. "Well-"

"Maybe it's not a guy who's in love with Haley." Luke butted in as he poured himself and Maddie some orange juice. "Oh, thank you." Alex looked up from her laptop as Luke continued. "Maybe it's a guy who's obsessed with Haley." Both Maddie and Alex let out a loud sigh, yet Luke didn't stop. "and is getting plastic surgery to look like her so he can replace her and live her life."

"Luke." Claire stopped him abruptly. "So they can only be for Haley or Maddie?" Alex asked looking at Luke, Maddie and Haley, that is before Phil chimed in. "Of course not, those two aren't the only hottie's living here."

"Don't live here." Maddie mumbled still smiling to herself. "You basically do." Luke retorted making maddie stick her tongue out at him. "Real, mature."

"I washed the car in my cheer shorts the other day. I definitely felt eyes on me." Phil admitted standing up and nervously rubbing his hands on his trousers. "Has it ever occurred to you that those flowers could be for me?" Alex looked up at her dad who looked down at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, like from my boyfriend." Alex hugged and walked out of the room.



"You have a boyfriend?"


"And you thought my thing was crazy." Luke smiled as Haley laughed at the boy. "It's more realistic than you getting a girlfriend anytime soon." Maddie commented and Haley began laughing a bit louder as she left the room. "Ouch." Luke held a hand on his heart. "Cry about its, Dunphy."


"Thanks for picking us up Callie." Maddie grinned as her and Luke both clambered into the girls car. "No problem, you guys excited?" Callie asked the pair who both nodded and began talking about how excited they were to go see this movie. That was until a song started playing on the radio.

"He said, 'Let's get out of this town
Drive out of the city, away from the crowds'
I thought Heaven can't help me now Nothing lasts forever. But this is gonna take me down ." Maddie and Callie immediately began singing along, they didn't sound great but whatever, as Luke sat there with his arms crossed over his chest. Maddie noticed the boy not joining in and poked his arm and focused on him as her and Callie continued to sing along.

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