"Guess he really is the forgotten boy." Season 7-Part 8

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"Can I have everyone's attention please." Jay clinked on his glass and everyone turned to face him, everyone was gathered in the living room. "I feel so lucky celebrating with the best damn family any man could hope for." Everyone let out some awws of appreciation. "And Fig." Jay mumbled as Fig held up her drink. "Hey-oh!"

"He still considers me part of the family." Maddie mumbled to Manny quietly who nodded. "Pretty sure we all do." Maddie felt her cheeks go pink and she sighed happily. This is what happiness feels like. Not taking drugs and going to parties every 10 seconds, although that is sometimes fun, being with her real family was what she found most enjoyable.

"Gloria and I have been talking about this for a while. What whit Joe getting older, I feel it's just the right time to start a new chapter which is why I've decided...to retire." Gloria rubbed Jay's shoulder comfortingly as everyone gasped.

"Oh, my."



"No way!"

"Maybe retired is the wrong word. More of a transition. So, when people ask 'Where's Jay Pritchett?' You tell them, he's transitioning." Jay nodded proudly as Mitch and Cam raised their brows. "Okay, I heard it too. Let's go back to retiring." Jay corrected himself as everyone smiled.

"Hey, we can finally rent that RV and visit all the major league ballparks." Phil looked towards Jay who took a sip of his drink. "I'll probably go ahead and do that alone." Phil's expression faltered slightly as Jay continued speaking. "Uh, anyway, I had to ask myself, 'Who's the best person to lead the company?' And the answer is obvious."

Claire bit her lip, attempting to hold back the smile pulling on her lips and everyone felt their eyes drifting towards Claire. "Chuck Feeny." Jay announced and Claire's expression immediately
changed. "Who?" She questioned and everyone looked at Jay, confusion etched onto their faces. "Gutters and screen hot shot out of Chicago. With him in charge, we can all relax knowing that the company is in good hands."

"Claire gets a great new boss, and you all get to spend more time with yours truly. It's a win win." Jay gestured to his family who were whispering to each other frantically. "Well, to this one's new boss." Fig held her glass in the air and all Claire could do was let out a small grunt. She was squeezing onto her husbands hand, so that she wouldn't go mental at her father.

"Claire, that's my gesturing hand. I need it for work." Phil groaned as he managed to slip his hand out of the blondes grip.


"Mads! Mads! Look, my daddies gave me a Christmas present early!" Lily cheered as she came up behind the girl, who had just put on a green dress, and she grinned. Lily was riding a red tricycle. "Wow! That's so cool Lily! You're so lucky! Question, why'd you call me Mads?"

"Oh, I heard daddy saying that's what everyone calls you at school so I thought I could call you it as well." Lily shrugged happily and Maddie nodded. "Okay...maybe just don't call me it cause people don't call me that anymore kay?" Maddie told the girl who nodded before an idea popped into Lily's head. "Last one to my bedroom is a rotten egg!"

Lily sped off, Maddie following behind at a slower speed to make it fair, when they turned the corner they were met with Luke and Manny standing there with their hands behind their backs in matching light blue sweaters. "Hello, girls."

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓//𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐡𝐲Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora