"I like pink." SEASON 5- PART 1

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Maddie scrubbed her teeth as he sister began yelling. "Maddie hurry up we're gonna be late!"
Maddie rolled her eyes as she looked at her watch on her wrist. "We have 25 minutes." She calls back laughing as her sister barged in. "Well I'll be late for my job."

Callie was Maddie's older sister and had graduated high school already and rather than going to college she was asked to work for Google, which Maddie found super cool.
"Fine then I'll catch a ride with Luke."

"Are you kidding? I am not missing your first day of high school! I just also do not want to lose my job, or mom and dads trust." Callie smiled at her and Maddie smiled back before Callie looked at Maddie's watch. "I'll be waiting for you in the car."

Callie was only taking the girl because their parents were on a business trip right now and they weren't coming back for another few weeks.

"Fine I'm almost ready anyways." Maddie grabbed a necklace and quickly put it on before running downstairs and grabbing her backpack.
She looked at herself in the mirror making sure she looked okay before wandering out to the car.

"So are you going to meet Luke and Manny there?" Callie asked whilst they were driving. Luke and Manny had been her best friends for as long as she could remember, yes she had lots of other friends at school, but she always preferred hanging out with them. "Yeah we're meeting outside school."

"Anything going on between you and Luke?" Callie smirked at the girl who tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean something? We've been friends since we were like a few months old!"

"Oh Maddie, you're so innocent. The people in this place are going to eat you alive." She mumbled the last part as they pulled up to the High School. "Hold on before you leave I wanna get a picture for mum and dad."

"Callie no!" Maddie shook her head at the girl who rolled her eyes. "Fine a selfie of us then." Maddie nodded and smiled as her older sister pulled out her phone and they took a picture. "Ooh that's nice can you send that to me."

"Sure thing." Callie smiled at the girl and her eyes began to go watery. "You know it feels like only yesterday it was your first day of Kindergarten."

"Callie no, do not cry. I'm serious because if you cry I'll cry!" Maddie giggled as Callie smiled softly. "Okay then just go and be yourself and have fun. I kind of forgot to do that in high school so make sure you do that." It's true. Callie spent all of her time when she was at school, so most of her life, studying and shutting herself away from the world. You could say it paid off because now she was 19 and working for Google. "Thanks Callie, see you later."

"Bye Maddie." Callie waved her off as she drove of and Maddie saw Luke, Alex and Phil walking towards her. Phil had his arm around Luke's shoulder and Maddie smiled at the scene. Alex however had her nose in a book and was struggling to walking in a straight line.

Then Luke slightly pulled away from Phil and began explaining how he had 'got it from here' so he didn't need Phil to walk him all the way in. Phil leaned in for a hug but Luke turned around and smiled when he saw her. "Hey Maddie you look uhm nice."

"Thanks I try." She shrugged before seeing Manny and waving at him. Before he could wave back he was pulled into a tight hug by Gloria. "Ay Maddie you look gorgeous!" She said happily pulling away from her son as Maddie laughed. "Thanks Gloria. You look beautiful, as always."

Gloria laughed before Manny interrupted. "Mom stop your embarrassing us!" He whisper-shouted before storming away and taking Luke and Maddie with him. "Hey she was just trying to be nice!" Maddie defended Gloria and Manny rolled his eyes slightly. "Well she's going to embarrass us and none of us were exactly the popular kids in middle school, except maybe Luke."

"Nope, I think Luke was the class idiot." Maddie joked flashing her shiny white teeth at Luke who shoved her jokingly as they walked into the school building. "What do you guys have first?" Manny asked them and they all pulled out their timetables. "Why is yours pink?" Luke asked the girl who shrugged. "I like pink."

"So you printed you timetable on pink paper when we already had it on normal paper?" Luke looked at the girl who nodded. "Anyways I have Psychology, what about you guys?" "I've got Business." Luke answered and Manny sighed. "I've got World history."

"Oh my god your kidding! None of us have the same first class!" Maddie looked between the two before the bell rang. "Nope but we need to go find out classes before we're late so I guess I'll see you guy later." Manny waved goodbye as he turned down the corridor.

"So are we still gonna sit together at lunch?" Luke asked the girl who nodded. "Of course whoever gets to the cafeteria first saves the seats." Maddie smiled at Luke and gave his hand a quick squeeze. "Good luck."

Luke felt his cheeks burn bright red as she walked away. His hand felt all tingly and his stomach felt weirdly fluttery. He pushed his thoughts aside as he began to look for his first class.


Maddie walked over to Luke who was saying goodbye to one of his new friends and smiled. "Hey I'm so sorry I couldn't find you at lunch I went to the cafeteria and it was so busy already and there were no free tables and I couldn't find you guys so I just sat with some of my new friends but I'm really sorry I promise."

"It's fine Maddie, me and Manny were okay." That was sort of a lie. The first table they sat at, they were kicked off of by some 12th graders, then they were kicked off their next table by a group of Sophomores. So they just sat outside, which is where they met some of their new friends. "Hey dad." "Hey buddy, hi Maddie." Phil and Luke did there special handshake and Maddie smiled. "Hey Phil." Phil put his arm around Luke's shoulder and he immediately shrugged it off. "We're still at school."

"Yep I'm cool don't worry." Phil sighed slightly but smiled again when Maddie and Luke began explaining their days not missing out a detail, except the getting kicked off tables thing, and they didn't stop until they pulled up outside Maddie's house.

"Are you sure you're okay here alone? You don't wanna be dropped off at ours?" Phil asked the girl as she clambered out of his car. "No I'm good thank you, bye Luke!" She waved at him and he waved back smiling like and idiot before they drove off.

Maddie walked down the driveway but before she reached the door a familiar car pulled up. "Maddie!"

"Mom! Dad!" She squealed like a little girl and ran up to her parents as they gave her a tight hug. "What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be back from Texas for another few weeks!"

"You think we'd really miss our little girls first day at high school?" Her mom, Julia, asked Maddie still hugging her tight. "We felt so bad at not being able to drop you off this morning so we got on the soonest flight back here to surprise you!" Her dad, Stanley, explained as him and Julia both pulled away from the hug.

"Thank you guys!" Maddie's smile was so big her cheeks hurt. "No problem sweetie, now tell me all about your first day!" Julia smiled at the girl who began, once again, telling her first day of school to her parents as if she were telling a storybook to a toddler.

A/n: I hate this chapter but oh well

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