"I still stand by that statement." SEASON 6-PART 11

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"When's our time slot?" Luke questioned impatiently and Maddie rolled her eyes. "Same as it was 10 seconds ago, 5 minutes." Maddie informed him as Claire came round the corner. "Hey guys, here's your hot chocolates." Claire handed them the hot drinks as the pair thanked her.

"Can't believe you two were the only ones who could come on our ice skating day out." Claire mumbled looking at Maddie and Luke as Phil nodded. "Well, snooze ya loose right?" Phil asked the two teens who both nodded in agreement.

Soon after they had finished their hot drinks it was their time slot, and they all clambered onto the ice, apart from Claire who glided on after previously reminding the other three that she was great at ice-skating since her and Mitchell used to compete in competitions together.

"You know that we were called fire and nice. Mitchell was fire because of the red hair and I was nice because-" Claire began before everyone chorused. "It was ironic and you weren't."

"Seems you already know the story, Maddie wanna do a couple of laps?" Claire asked the brunette girl who nodded and held onto Claire's hand as the two skated off at a steady rate. "Hey, this reminds me of that time when you taught me and Callie how to ice skate."

"Oh my god yes! We took you and Callie ice skating, and you were both scared to even go on at the start because you didn't know how, but by the end you were speeding round the rink." Claire exclaimed and Maddie nodded and giggled. "God, how old were you then? 5 maybe?" Claire looked down at the girl who nodded. "I think so."

"God, you're all growing up way too fast." Claire squeezed the girls hand a bit tighter making her chuckle. "I mean it feels like time is flying by, it seems like only yesterday me and Luke were in kindergarten together."

"Aw I know, remember when you two got married in kindergarten but then you divorced him because 'boys are icky'." Claire laughed and Maddie gasped. "Yes, oh my god I remember that! I still stand by that statement."


"I can do a spin." Maddie grinned happily and Luke raised his brows. "Oh yeah?" He looked at the girl who was ice skating alongside him. "Yeah, watch." She told him confidently as she slowly and shakily spun around. "See."

"Wow, you should do competitions." He said sarcastically and Maddie rolled her eyes. "Okay then, what can you do?" She crossed her arms over her chest and Luke scoffed in response. "That's what I thought." Maddie frowned at him before she slipped and fell right onto her bum.

Luke couldn't help but laugh when he looked down at the girl. "Are you laughing at me?" She questioned as she attempted to get up but slipped again. "You have to admit this is pretty funny." Luke retorted and Maddie giggled. "Shut up! Just help me up will you?"

"Sure." Luke said still laughing as he held his hand out. Maddie smirked as she clutched into his and pulled him down next to her. "Wow." Luke muttered as he hit Maddie's arm lightly. "Was that necessary?"

"Well, you laughed at me!" She exclaimed as she slowly wobbled up, Luke doing the same. "So you pulled me down to the ground?"

"Yes, I did." Maddie grinned. "And I am not ashamed of it." She admitted as her and Luke began skating around again. "I love this song!" Maddie exclaimed as they began playing All I Want for Christmas is you. "You love every Christmas song." Luke smiled and the girls jaw dropped open. "Not true! I don't 'love' every Christmas song. I only like Jingle Bell Rock I don't love it."

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓//𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐡𝐲Where stories live. Discover now