"Yes I am dammit! I have a crush on Luke!" SEASON 6-Part 19

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"Here she is!" Claire cheered as Alex walked in wearing her graduation gown and cap. Everyone else clapped and cheered and Alex smiled. "Thanks for being there, you guys."

"We wouldn't have missed it, sweetie. Your speech was fantastic." Cam lisped. "What's wrong with your speech?" Maddie questioned as she stood next to Alex. "Oh, is it that obvious? I...I got adult braces!" Cam chuckled making Maddie cringe as she slowly nodded.

"Are you sure, they seem like they don't fit right." Jay looked at Cam who hesitated. "Um..."
"I think it's a bold step, and I support you in your journey of self-improvement." Manny grinned and nodded at Cam as Gloria turned to her eldest son. "No, you're not getting your hair straightened."

"You know your dad wishes he could be here." Claire began looking at Alex ad Phil came zooming in, he was on FaceTime on an iPad which was on a phone stand which Phil could move around. "What are you talking about? I'm right here!" He laughed as Jay raised his eyebrows. "What the-"

"I had Andy set me up so I could be here with you all." Phil looked at his relatives through the screen as Andy smiled from behind the iPad. "I just had to plug him in, it was a nice reversal from when I had to pull the plug on my dad in the hospital." As Andy said that Maddie choked on her drink in surprise.

Suddenly the doorbell wrang and Alex furrows her eyebrows together. "Are we expecting anyone else?" She questioned and Gloria and Jay grinned. "Why don't you open it and take a look?" They ushered her towards the door and Alex smiled before she opened it and she gasped.



"Callie?" Maddie called out as she looked at the girl Alex was now hugging. "Maddie!" Callie yelled and as soon as Alex and Callie's hug broke up Callie rushed over to Maddie to engulf her in a tight hug. "I missed you!" Maddie squealed as she held onto her sister. "I missed you too!"

Everyone else began welcoming Callie, who had travelled down alone to celebrate Alex's graduation, as Maddie went to stand next to Luke. "Wanna come with me to grab a drink?" Luke asked the girl who shook her head. "I think I'm gonna quickly run to the bathroom but I'll be out soon."

"Okay." Luke nodded as he helped himself to a drink as Haley came and stood next to him. "So, Luke. You know how you kind of told me about that whole Maddie thing." She reminded him as he slammed the fridge shut. "Shhh! But yeah, why?" "Why don't you try and make a move today?" Haley questioned him and he frowned. "Like what?"

"I don't know, you two already flirt a lot. Like a lot. So I guess you could kiss her-" Haley began before Luke stopped her. "You want me to kiss her...today?" The boy questioned and Haley nodded. "Well, not just me. Alex and Callie also think you should kiss her."

"I still can't believe Alex couldn't keep her big mouth shut and had to tell Callie." Luke rolled his eyes as a voice piped up. "Had to tell me what?"

"You know what." Haley wiggled her eyebrows at the girl who smirked. "Ohhhhh, you mean Luke and-" She began before Luke shot her a look. "Stop it! I can't believe I admitted that."

"I told him that we think he should kiss her, but he doesn't seem to agree." Haley informed Callie who frowned. "What? Why not? We've pulled way more people than pineapple over here." Callie spoke to Haley who shrugged as if the curly haired boy was standing right next to her. "Well, that's probably since he has no game."

"I have game!" He defended himself loudly as Maddie walked past. "Really? You haven't pulled anyone since the you know what incident." Maddie stopped and looked at the curly haired boy whose eyes widened. "Shut up!" He whispered as Alex piped up. "Oh you mean the bra clasp thing!"

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐓//𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐡𝐲Where stories live. Discover now