"Well, we got to play with cute puppies too." SEASON 6-PART 6

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"Ow! Damn it! I cut my finger!" Alex exclaimed as she dropped her bagel onto the cutting board and her finger began to bleed. "Ha ha. Happy Halloween." Haley said sarcastically as she grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. "No, really, I cut myself. Look!" Alex shoved her bleeding finger in front of Maddie and Luke who looked up from their phones.

"Wow, what did you use to make the blood?" Luke asks. "A knife. I'm actually hurt." Alex snaps back and Maddie rolled her eyes. "Come on Alex, tell us! It looks so realistic." She exclaimed and Alex scoffed. "It looks realistic because it's real! It is running through my veins."

"Ooh! Great production value, sweetheart. I'm impressed." Claire directed it to Alex who rolled her eyes and walked away to get some more kitchen roll. "Can't believe I have to work on Halloween. This blows!" Claire finishes as Maddie rests her head on Luke's shoulder, Haley looked over to the pair and grinned to herself.

"You okay?" Luke asks Maddie as his parents talk about Awesome land, which is what the house will be for Halloween. "Tired." Maddie mumbled as she puts her phone down and looks up at Luke. "Well I told you not too stay up too late last night so we could stay up late tonight to watch movies."

"Trust me, I'm staying awake for the movies wether I like it or not." Maddie smiles softly, Luke immediately returning the smile.  "Okay you two, come help me set up Awesomeland." Phil put one hand on Luke's free shoulder and the other on Maddie's shoulder and giving them a light squeeze making the two snap out of the daze they were in and they got up to help Phil. Thank god, this year Halloween was on a Saturday so they had the entire day free, well more like the entire day to help Phil set up.


"Okay, we look awful." Maddie stared at hers and Luke's reflection in the mirror. They were dressed up as dogs, but in reality they were just wearing matching dog onesies, the only difference was Maddie's one had a pink collar and Luke's had a blue collar.

"Jesus I can't believe we're doing this." Luke grumbled as he sat down "Guys, I need help." Claire burst into Luke's room making Maddie and Luke both jump. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Maddie asks and Claire brushes it off. "This is more important. We need to take all of the decorations down and turn it scary, no horrifying."

"What about Awesomeland?" Luke asks and Claire just shakes her head and runs outside. "Oh god." Maddie sighs as she grabs her clothes and walks into the bathroom and changed back into her jeans and a cable-knit sweater. She went outside to see Claire had taken Phil's magical white rabbit and pulled one of its eyes out and added blood to it, and had got loads of things that looked like they had come out of an insane asylum.

"Maddie go help Luke tie that skeleton to a torture chair!" Claire ordered her and Maddie nodded slowly before helping Luke. "Jesus christ, Phil is gonna be so mad." Maddie whispered and Luke nodded. "More upset I think."

"Do you reckon our costumes can be any less flattering than the dog ones?" She asked and he shrugged. "Hopefully not." A few seconds later, Phil's car pulled up and Haley turned to the pair. "Oh, here comes dad he's gonna be all like, 'No! What did you do? Where's Awesomeland?" Haley mimicked her father as he rushed out of the car and shouted. "No! What did you do? Where's Awesomeland?"

"Are you from the future?" Luke mumbled as he looked and Haley stunned and Maddie giggled. "Phil, honey, honey, w-we've had a slight change in plans." Claire began as Phil looked around at what once was a bright and colourful place for awesome things and was now covered in cages coated with blood and torture devices. "Why? What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?" Phil turned to his wife who sighed.

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