"Young love." Season 7-Part 1

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"Okay, six tickets for Maze Runner The Scorch Trials please." Daisy looked at the expressionless man in the ticket booth who handed them six tickets. "That'll be $5.25 each." His monotone voice spoke and every girl fished out the money. "Hey Mads, isn't that that Dunphy kid?" Georgia nudged her arm and Maddie turned around to see Georgia was right. "Shit."

Luke was standing directly opposite her with his mom and dad and she could see Haley in the distance with Dylan. She hasn't spoken to him since they kissed, despite the fact it'd been over a month. Luke turned his head and the two made eye contact, making Maddie's eyes go wide before she quickly rushed her friends away.

"Don't look! Don't look! Don't look!" She whispered the entire way until they got into their seats, only to realise the Dunphys were sitting the row behind them. "Oh fuck." Maddie mumble as she sank in her seat slowly.

Luke noticed the girls actions and felt his face heating up, he wasn't too sure if it was out of embarrassment or anger. There was no way his parents would recognise her though, even though it had only been a month or two since they last spoke. She'd changed.

She wore darker colours of eyeshadow, heavier eyeliner than usual and wore her hair in more abstract styles. Normally, her clothes were always so colourful and bright. However, now her clothes were darker colours and she hadn't worn pink since she had last spoke to Luke.

Luke thought no matter what Maddie did to her appearance, she was gorgeous and nothing could change his mind about that. Although, he did have to admit he much preferred the Maddie that work pink practically everyday and you know, actually talked to him. It's not like he hadn't tried, of course he'd tried. She just ignored him.


"You scheduled your breakup?" Haley looked between her sister and her boyfriend while frowning. "Yes, Labour Day. That's when I leave for school." Sanjay informed them as himself and Alex nodded proudly. "86% of long-distance relationships end in failure. It's the only logical course of action."

"That is the least romantic thing I've ever heard." Haley almost laughed at her sister and her boyfriend. "Wait till you hear about my love life." Luke mumbled quietly, not quiet enough as everyone heard. "Stay together." Haley told the pair and Luke scoffed.

"Wrong. Break up. College is the sexiest candy store in the world. You don't wanna show up with your jaws wired shut." Luke looked at his older sister and Sanjay before back at his phone.

"Just cause you're having a heartbreak over Maddie doesn't mean to need to try an influence every other couple around you." Haley teased her little brother who scowled and hit her with a pillow. "Seriously, take it from Haley and me. It's hard to be apart and then together and then apart and then together and then apart and then turned down by the marines and then together."

"Ugh. I can't believe we've got that dodo back in our lives and Maddie's weirdly disappeared. That's a horrible exchange." Claire told her husband in the kitchen as she listened in on her children's conversation whilst biting her nails. "At least Haley's happy and Maddie and Luke are gonna come back together, even as friends, in the end. They always do." Phil reminded his wife as he poured himself some orange juice and Claire grimaced. "I don't know-"

Dylan had been making t-shirts that say words with a V in them and the neckline is the V. Such as; Love, Dove, Above. Phil was wearing one now and it was giving Claire the urge to throw herself off of the roof. "-Honey, could you at least take that T-shirt off?"

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