"Not the best choice of words." SEASON 5- PART 8

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"Your gonna do great Luke and if not it's just one wrestling match so what does it matter?" Maddie asked the curly haired boy as they walked to their calculus class. "Well my dad is kinda counting on me to win it, I guess I just wanna make him proud."

"He will be proud of you no matter wh-" Maddie began before someone tapped her shoulder. "Uh hi Maddie."

"Hi." Maddie said looking at the boy questionably. "Do you want to go to the spring fling with me?" He pulled out a rose and Maddie smiled. She took the rose as she thought about her decision. "Uhm I'll think about it."

She began to walk away quickly as Luke gave her a weird look. "What was that all about?" "I don't know I just didn't really want to go with him so I said I'd think about it."

"Well why don't you wanna go with him? Do you already have a date?" Luke questioned the girl and she laughed. "Why, jealous?"

"No, shut up and answer my question." He pleaded and the girl grinned. "I don't have a date already I'm just keeping my options open."

"How many options do you have?" He turned to the girl who thought for a moment. "I think 6, but I don't really like any of them. Most of them are either playboys and just wanna make out or they're so awkward that when we get there they probably won't want to dance with me."

"You have 6 options?" Luke looked at her with wide eyes. "Glad to know that's all you got from that." Maddie giggled before asking him what period he had to miss to do the wrestling match. "Last Period, so Social studies."

"I think I might ask Cam to write me a note saying I can come watch because I want to be there."

"You do?" Luke questioned the girl and she  nodded. "Of course I do!"


"Hey Luke, who you looking for?" Phil asked as they watched the boy look around the Gym. "Maddie, she said she would come. It's whatever." Luke shrugged. "Buddy, I'm sure she'll be here soon." Phil assured as Jay scoffed quietly. "You don't think she's coming?" Luke looked to his grandfather who looked up from the ground.

Luke sighed unsurely as he scanned the Gym one more time and he still couldn't see Maddie. Then the gym door opened to reveal the small brunette walking into the Gym. He instantly smiled and he felt all his nerves floating away as Maddie rushed over to him, her usual smile spread across her face. "You came! I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up."

"Oh please, like I would miss this! Just go out there an have fun Luke!" She grinned at him and rubbed his arm supportively and his smile widened before he turned around and went back to where he needed to go. "Hey Phil!"

"Maddie! What are you doing here?" Phil asked the girl who came and sat next to him. "I got Cam to write me a note so I could come and cheer Luke on."

"Aww that's sweet." Phil smiled before giving Jay all knowing look making the man roll his eyes. Then Gil Thorpe came over and started bragging about how good his son was at wrestling and how he was going to beat Luke making Maddie mumble in annoyance.

Before long Phil and Gil had managed to turn it into more than just a friendly wrestling match and were now giving their kids pep talks on how to beat each other, then Jay came and told Phil off for doing this while Maddie scrolled mindlessly on her phone.

"You see that little petunia he is wrestling." Maddie heard someone say and her head shot up. "Is he talking about Luke?" She looked at Jay and Phil who both nodded. She grabbed a ping pong ball that was underneath the bench from the last gym lesson and threw it at him and it hit the back of his head.

"You little-" The old cranky man turned around but before he could carry on she began looking at him scared. "Excuse me! Leave me alone I don't know you!" She squealed in a fake scared voice and his eyes widened as people began looking.

"I didn't-"

"Stop getting closer to me!"

"But you-"

"Oh my god, please leave me alone!"

He finally gave up and huffed loudly before turning around and stomping to his seat. "Nicely done." Jay whispered giving the girl a small high five. Sure she was usually quite sweet, but she couldn't stand someone talking bad about the people she loved. Especially Luke.

Luke looked over at the bleachers nervously and Maddie waved at him encouragingly and he looked away but he still grinned. He didn't really know what was going on because recently he's been even happier when Maddie was around yet he felt nervous at the same time which didn't make any sense to him at all.

The whistle blew so Luke and Gil Thorpe jr both took their places and got ready to fight. The whistle blew again and the pair started wrestling. Sadly, it was over quite soon as about 20 seconds when Gil Thorpe Jr flipped him over and had him pinned down. So he won.

Luke looked over at Phil, Jay and Maddie to see the two men looking quite awkward and Maddie was looking at him worried. "Are you okay?" She mimed to him as he sighed in defeat and shrugged.

This wasn't gonna be easy to comfort him.


"Dang it." Luke sighed as he sat down at the table and Maddie felt a smile spread across her face for him. "Buddy, I know you're upset. You've got every right. We made that wrestling match about out stupid feud. That was wrong." Phil admitted shamefully.

"Forget about those jerks. We couldn't be anything but proud of you, just like I'm super proud of your mom." Jay comforted him before Phil jumped in. "Let's repair this one first."

"We just don't want you to beat yourself up-" "Not the best choice of words." Maddie mumbled quiet enough for nobody to hear. "-because you lost."

"I'm not. I just started wrestling. Sure, it would've been nice to win, but I tried my best. I just said dang it because I forgot to get a straw." Luke informed them all and then went to go get a straw and Maddie followed. "That's one of the reasons why I love you, you're so positive most of the time anyways." Love? Luke's head whipped around and he felt his face getting hot. "You love me?"

"Of course I do Luke! You're like one of the people I'm closest too and my best friend ever, and nothing could ever change that." Maddie beamed at him and he did back. "Yeah I love you too, as like a best friend obviously." He looked at the girl who nodded.

Maddie and Luke looked at Gil who was making a choking signal and pointing to his throat. Maddie gasped but before she could do anything Luke started helping him. "That boy is attacking him!" A waitress yelled as both families began trying to pull each other off of each other.

Maddie tried to explain Gil was choking but nobody was listening. Finally Gil coughed up the food and Maddie sighed. "You idiots! He was choking, Luke was helping him." Maddie fired at them as she looked at Gil to make sure he was okay, she didn't notice how Luke was staring at Gil confused.

"Oh my god, he was saving him!" The waitress who earlier thought Luke was attacking Gil said relieved as all the men began releasing each others and walking away awkwardly. "Men." Maddie rolled her eyes as she walked back to the table with Luke.

She later found out Luke wasn't actually trying to save Gil, he was trying to fight him. He thought Gil was mocking his wrestling and got angry but everyone decided it was best to keep that information just between those four.

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