"Alright then bossy boots." SEASON 5- PART 7

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"See you guys later." Luke said to his parents as Manny and Maddie followed him into the kitchen. "Where are you guys all going?" Claire asked them all as Luke opened the fridge. "We're riding our bikes to Xander's."

"Well what are you doing there?" Claire questioned further as Luke groaned. "I don't know, hanging out."

"Sounds fun, wear your helmets." Phil mixed his coffee as the three kids nodded. "We will, I'm not writing my first novel by blowing through a tube." Manny reminded everyone as Maddie rolled her eyes as they began walking away. "Why are you always so dramatic?"

"Why are you always so moody?" Luke backed Manny up and stuck his tongue out at the girl. "Who asked for your opinion?" She remarked before shutting the front door. "So where are we going to film first?"

"How about Olympic and 20th?" Luke asked and Manny nodded and Maddie cringed slightly. "What?" Luke asked the girl who shook her head. "Nothing it's just that place doesn't have the best reputation but oh well let's go."


"Really make it believable." Luke said to the brunette who gave him an odd look. "Well sorry I'm not some Hollywood actress, it's quite hard to act like you're being chased by a Zombie. Also if you haven't noticed, it stinks like ass down here."

"Well then just ke-" Luke began before he was interrupted by his phone ringing. "Oh it's my dad."

"Okay we'll just answer relaxed then. Use your amazing acting skills that I apparently lack." Maddie smiled and Luke rolled his eyes. "That is not what I said-"

"Luke answer the god damn phone already." Manny fired at him and Luke answered quickly kind of shocked by Manny's sudden outburst. "Hey dad."

"Put it on speaker." Maddie mouthed to the boy and he nodded and clicked the speaker button. "Hey buddy, just making sure you all got to Xander's okay."

"Yep all good." Luke answered as a car honked in the background. "Really? Cause I hear traffic and Xander's lives in a pretty quiet street, right?"

"Shit." Luke mouthed before thinking of an excuse quickly. "Actually we left Xander's and now we're at Sammy's."

"Well that makes perfect sense. You guys all have fun and be safe." Phil said happily before hanging up. "That was close." Manny sighed as Maddie shook her head. "Yeah, too close."

"Anyways on with the scene!" Luke announced as he clapped his hands like some sort of prima Donna. "Alright then bossy boots."


Maddie, Luke, Angel and Xander (who had just arrived there not too long ago) were all began laughing as they watched the blooper they had just accidentally made trying to film the scene as Manny fell into something knocking himself over in the process and giving Maddie a 'heart attack'.

"Okay Luke and Angel it's your turn to be a zombie so you need to make me feel scared of you both, action!" Manny explained and Maddie stood in front of Luke and began screaming and running away from Luke and Angel, who were chasing her like a Zombie.

"Cut or not really cut because I forgot to press record." Manny announced as Luke and Angel sighed. "Hey guys why is there a drone above us?" Maddie asked and the other four looked up in confusion. They watched the drone hover over them for a minute before going over the fence and flying away.

"What was that thing?" Angel asks the others and Xander shrugged. "Somebody was filming us." Manny said before Luke informed the group that Phil had one of those at home, but then he somehow managed to come up with the idea that a movie studio was trying to steal their idea. "Spielberg." Xander sighed shaking his head and Maddie looked between the two.

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