"At least mine is cute, you look like you're going to church." SEASON 6-PART 5

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"Okay I'm taking off!" Phil announced as Maddie and Luke rushed down the stairs in their pyjamas. "Wait, where are you going?" Maddie asked the man as the pair reached the bottom of the stairs. "I thought we were going to give a chicken the best day of its life." Luke furrowed his brows as Phil turned around to face them. "I hate that we have to keep rescheduling that, but being a realtor means I work on Sundays. Just like priests and Lesley Stahl."

"Good luck out there, honey. We're all counting on you." Claire appeared and handed a coffee to Phil. "Just bit to make it through this commute." Phil's said cheerily and Claire let out and "mhmm." before giving Phil a kiss. "I'll call when I get there." He announced as he walked out the door and Maddie waved.

Phil walked to the house next door before turning to Claire, Luke and Maddie and yelling . "I'm there!"

"Have a great day!" Claire yelled back as Luke and Maddie smiled. "Okay you two, go get in those smart clothes I picked out for you. They're on the couch, I just ironed them."

"Picking us outfits? We're not in the second grade any more mom." Luke complained as Claire ushered them to the living room. "Well I want us too make a good impression on the people who could be our neighbours." Claire patted their backs before walking away to give Alex and Haley the clothes they had to wear.

Maddie stared at the baby pink dress Claire had picked for her and she nodded. "At least mine is cute, you look like you're going to church." Maddie giggled as Luke rolled his eyes. "Shut up."


"Okay that's them, that's them. Everybody look like you're gardening. Luke grab one of those little hoes." Claire instructed and Luke looked in between Maddie and Haley before putting one arm around Haley and the other around Maddie. Maddie gasped as Haley shoved him off. "I don't think that's what she meant, is it?" Haley asked her mom as Luke looked at Maddie confused.

"She meant that gardening tool, it's called a hoe." Maddie explained as Luke chuckled. "A gardening tool called hoe." Maddie rolled her eyes as Luke picked it up. "Okay, why are we doing this?" Alex asked her mom as Maddie slid on the gardening gloves and picked up a shovel. "This is their third visit, and we want to look good." Claire smiled and laughed quietly.

"What's so great about them?" Haley questioned her mom. "They're very well-liked in their neighbourhood, they have very polite children and they are sophisticated. The husband is a huge wine collector." Claire laughed to her self as Alex commented. "Oh, there it is."

"All right, this is it. This is it. Okay, look sharp. Luke what's on your face?" Claire inhaled deeply as Maddie began to shovel up fort and look as if she was being useful. "I don't know, what colour is it?"

"Why isn't it coming off?" Claire rubbed harder on Luke's face before she began licking it. "Oh." Maddie mumbled before chuckling to herself. "This feels like a panic move." Luke squirmed under her grip and Haley and Alex both grimaced. "Hey, again. Hello." Claire stepped away from Luke and Maddie friend around and smiled at the couple. "Morning." The brunette man said and the blonde lady waved before saying hello.

"Just doing a little family gardening." Claire smiled as Haley and Maddie waved. "Awww." The couple smiled at each other before chuckling. "See ya." The blonde lady waved before they both entered the house. "It's peanut butter by the way." Claire mumbled to Luke. "I thought you guys ran out of peanut butter two days ago?" Maddie asked yet continued smiling as Claire gagged.


It was a little while later and the 4 Dunphy's and Maddie were still 'gardening' as Phil came out of the house, the couple following behind. Claire went over to them and they began talking about the house. Luke and Maddie were sitting next to a flower bed digging up weeds as they chatted about school. "Well I heard that Tracey Pharaoh had sex with Jake Windsor." Maddie whispered and Luke gasped. "Really!"

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