Sheriff of the Multiverse

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It wasn't every day that a stranger passed through the Wild East - it was even rarer that someone suspicious passed through! However, that was just the case, today! North Star had been doing his rounds in the desert, as usual, and he had come across someone that was hiding behind a rock; it was his duty as the sheriff to figure out what exactly this person was doing here, and so he approached the rock.

"Howdy, pardner; what brings you 'round these parts?" He opened with a friendly smile, being thoroughly startled when the person yelped and started to flee, instantly becoming not just a person..but a suspect! "Hey! Come back 'ere!"

As any good sheriff would, he gave chase, unsheathing his trusty wild revolver in case the suspect became hostile! Unfortunately, this suspect was a bit faster than he was; that was no issue to him, however; he had been practicing his lasso skills all morning! 

"Hold still!" He had always wanted to say that as he caught a criminal in a lasso - it was a simple but effective phrase!

"Oof!" The suspect hit the ground, his escape thoroughly impeded by the sheriff's impeccable skills with a lasso. 

"Well, pardner, what's the rush?" He knelt down next to his captured suspect, grinning; his posse were going to be so excited when they heard this story! "Got somewhere ta be?"

"Uh.." The suspect looked at North Star with a nervous expression. "That wasn't supposed to happen.."

"I'll have ya know I'm great with a lasso."

"Hmm.." The suspect grabbed a pen with his mouth (somehow..?) And wrote a note to himself..on his scarf? "Interesting.."

Now that North Star had a closer look at this suspect, he could see that he was dealing with a skeleton; it was kind of cool, since he'd never seen a skeleton monster before! He had to focus on the task at hand, though; this skeleton was a suspect now!

"You're a Starlo, right?" The suspect inquired.

North Star chuckled. "The name's North Star, but I see my reputation precedes me..somehow.."

Why would this person know Starlo and not North Star? He couldn't say; it didn't matter.

" Ceroba's the one with the mask, and Starlo has a lasso..nice. Gonna have to be more sneaky in the future, though.."

"..Why?" North Star was...a bit puzzled by this suspect; he didn't seem at all bothered by being tied up! And he knew Ceroba, somehow?

"I guess I should probably get going - it's early enough that you won't affect the plot before the next reset.."

"Uhh, pardner..yer tied up." North Star helpfully reminded.

"Not for long!"

The suspect began to..melt?! The skeleton just turned into a black liquid, and he escaped the lasso! But how?! 

"Hey! Yer my suspect!" North Star glared; that wasn't very polite!

"Sorry, gotta go!" The suspect poured a bucket of paint on the ground..for some reason? Then he..jumped into it..? 

"What in blazes..?" North Star stared at the puddle for a moment, before gritting his teeth; his suspect was getting away, and he'd be darned if he wasn't going to catch him!

North Star gave chase, hopping into the puddle of ink..

And he regretted that decision. 

The ink absolutely coated him, soaking his clothes and filling up his boots. It threatened to engulf him, pressing in on him from all sides..

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