Murderer's End

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It was that time of the month again. Over one hundred judges from various universes were gathered at a large rectangular table in a similarly shapped meeting hall. At the head of the table sat the known Protector of Alternate Universes, also known as Ink. He was currently being pelted with insults and remarks about how he was "inefficient," despite the fact that he truly tried to protect the ones who were verbally assaulting him. They didn't yell this way when he stood between them and the ones trying to murder them. To add to the list of complaints being hurled at him, he was soulless; soulless beings weren't known to be compassionate. So, naturally, he was being defended by..nobody. He would have been hiding behind his friends at the moment, but the Guardian of Positivity was currently sick in bed, and Blue from Underswap was locked in his universe under something his clearly overprotective brother called "AU Arrest." So the Protector was left to deal with the many insults and complaints from the ungrateful judges whom he had protected countless times from vicious, cold-blooded murderers. He fingered the cap of one of his vials, which provided his emotions, wishing there was one labelled "ignorance." There wasn't.

He truly had been protecting the residents of the multiverse with all of his strength, but six against three - well, one at the moment - was not a great set of odds. His opponents were coordinated and deadly, while he often got sidetracked by cloud shapes during trainings..another thing to be criticized about. It wasn't his fault the clouds looked like dragons! Okay, maybe a few were, but those were for the enjoyment of others. His opponents were known as Error and Nightmare's gang. Error was his opposite, the Destroyer of AUs (short for alternate universes), while Nightmare's gang was a group led by the Guardian of Negativity, the opposite of his friend. Out of everyone in that group, the least of his worries was a skeleton known as Cross; they had some history, but Ink could hardly remember it now anyway. The Murder Time Trio was the largest threat aside from the Destroyer and Guardian of Negativity, and they had been on an all-time high of killing and death. Another insult to his efficiency, but less pronounced. He was about ready to wrap up the meeting when the large double doors at the other side of the meeting hall were opened rather suddenly, revealing..three Papyruses?

Ink recognized the AUs the new arrivals must have been from..the one on the left was most certainly a Horrortale Papyrus, and the one on the right was rather easy to distinguish with the target soul - a Killer Papyrus. Actually, meeting a Killer Papyrus more often than not led to dustshed, but this one seemed calmer than most. Ink was amazed at how the mentioned skeleton stopped in perfect synchronicity with his cohorts, especially since Killer Papyruses were blind. The one he hadn't ever expected to see outside of the correct AU was the one seemingly leading the other two: a Dustbelief Papyrus. The brown trench coat and bone sword made it rather clear that he meant business, and Ink was quite interested in what it could have been. When all eyes and eyelights were on the new trio, the Dustbelief Papyrus took his chance to speak.

"Greetings." He said. "We have seen and heard of your troubles; we come to help."

"Um..what troubles?" Ink questioned; he had quite a few troubles at the moment.

The Papyrus sighed. "Protector, it has come to the attention of most that you cannot handle fighting six people at the same time. We come with an offer to make your troubles three."

" mean, like..kill someone?" As much as Ink fought, he was not for killing people; he would rather imprison them, but, of course, if the jury found it necessary, he would accept an execution of dangerous criminals..but only if the jury found it to be so.

"If you wish." The Papyrus had a look in his eyelight that practically screamed LV..Ink wasn't sure what to think. "We are offering our services in the ending of the Murder Time Trio..for a price."

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