Royal Guard

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I know I said I wouldn't upload anything until I finished the Avid Adopter Christmas shorts..but this idea begged me to be written. 

Comments are welcome and appreciated!

Please enjoy!


Swap Sanses were replaceable. Ink and Dream knew this. When the first swap Sans to join them had perished in Nightmare's dungeon, they had gone to the next copy who wanted to join them, pulled out a contract, and told the swap to sign. It provided a liability clause which prevented them from being held accountable for the swap's death, if and when it happened. The second fell in battle. The third stooped too far off Outertale's void while stargazing. The fourth had been kidnapped by Error, and had later joined Nightmare's gang with the new name "Bluestreak"; he hadn't perished as of yet, and it was likely that Nightmare would have rigged something to reset him if it ever did happen, since Nightmare was known for having a brilliant mind. The fifth had suffered a soul attack from stress, the poor thing. The sixth had been killed by the fourth. The seventh had met an unfortunate fate in a collapsing AU, without a way out. Swap Sanses came and went, and Ink and Dream knew that. It was time for another replacement, as the last had been killed in battle. The two Guardians entered a new copy of Underswap, and they had no trouble with finding the Sans.

"A what?" The excitable Sans tilted his skull; this was another one of those "twinkies," as the multvierse folk had begun to call them - cheery, hopelessly adorable, and innocent..unlike the fourth, who hated them.

"You live in an AU,short for 'alternate universe.'" Dream recited, from soul. "It's one of the many universes in the multiverse, which is a collection of them. You see, we're a couple of heroes who are looking for help from a strong, efficient, and courageous Sans, and we believe that you would be a perfect fit for our..trio?"

"You think I could be a fit for your team?!" The twinkies were always so gullible.

"Absolutely. We could actually start you today! Would you like to help us protect the multiverse?"

"I'd love to!"

"Just sign this!" Ink shoved a clipboard and pen into the swap's face, and the twinkie signed without hesitation. "Welcome to the team, Blue!"

"My name is Sans?"

"There are a lot of Sanses, but we think the name Blue is perfect for you, don't you?"

"Well..yes! I think it fits me perfectly! Mweh heh heh!"

"That's great!" Dream reached out a hand. "Would you like to come to our base?"

"I'd love to!" The twinkie jumped, before gasping in remembrance. "But I should tell Papy where I'm going!"

"There's no need to worry about him!" Ink waved the subject off. "We already asked his permission, and he said to go for it!"

"Really? Then..okay!"

"Awesome, now let's go." Dream pushed the twinkie through a portal to their base, and Ink followed through.

Another swap Sans to complete their trio..attained. The soul was shown around the base and given a room that perfectly fit his needs (there was no need to tell him about his hundreds of predecessors who had also lived in that room), and the two permanent Star Sanses sat down on the living room couch, reclining after their work was finished. They had their third team member, and they could now long as the twinkie wasn't a "contagious" (also known as the type that Ink would murder himself when they tried to make him clean his messy room) workaholic. A few hours after the introduction, the rivals of the Star Sanses, Nightmare's gang, attacked an AU, and Dream alerted his teammates. Unlike the Ink and Dream, Nightmare valued his teammates, and he would rather have had experienced warriors than replaceable ones; considering the fact that he had stolen number four, Ink and Dream had agreed to not replace kidnapped ones immediately, in the hopes that they could sway one of them back to their side to prevent another addition to Nightmare's gang. The twinkie entered Dream's portal to the attacked AU without hesitation.

Unrelated Undertale Multiverse OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora