Positively Negative

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I'm not sure if I'll really be able to incorporate this idea in its entirety into A Hidden Heart, so I'm going to do so here. If this does end up showing in the story (it's not set in stone [pun absolutely intended]), then I guess this is sort of a basis for the idea? Anyways, I just really like this plot, and I've seen it done the other way (AKA, that one Dreamswap ending and at least one other Dreamtale AU), but not this way (this isn't quite Shattered Dream or DINTIS!Dream).

I started this in March, and for some reason, my brain decided that I had to finish it now and put my project on hold. I had less than two thousand words of this a few days ago, and now it is this monster of a oneshot that makes my page lag (I had to finish this in the Wattpad app just to avoid the lag). Anyways, I think this is my largest oneshot other than my CPAU one, and that's a win for me!

This idea honestly deserves its own full-sized fanfic..and this might turn into a two-shot, if I feel like it.

Comments are welcome and appreciated!

Please enjoy!


Positivity and negativity weren't supposed to overlap like this. A positive spirit wasn't meant to intake this amount of negativity. I was fairly sure my brother didn't care one bit. I had been trapped in Nightmare's dungeon for eight months now, and his plan for me, however twisted it was, was simple. I was a threat, and for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to kill me; the only option in his eyes was to nullify the threat..by eliminating what made me dangerous. That was my positivity, and he was eliminating it with negativity. He couldn't do it all at once, though; the process had to be slow, and it had to be drawn out. As such, he visited me once a week, with his only purpose being to inject his poison into my body. I had stopped pleading with him, and I had stopped trying to reach whatever might have remained of my good-natured brother. I realized that the remnants of his goodness were only able to force him to keep me alive, nothing else. Instead of being grouped into a cell with some of his other unfortunate prisoners, I was alone, unable to reach anyone else to anchor onto their positivity, forced to know that they were so close (I could see the ones in the cells across from mine!), but too far for my weakened powers. They didn't know that when they smiled and asked me to absorb their tiny bits of positivity.

"Come on, Dream!" An Asriel across the hall from me was smiling desperately, just as he had been since my capture. "You can do it! You can endure!"

The encouragement had reached me, once. It didn't anymore. I had savored the positive emotions when they had been within reach, but that time had passed, and my powers had grown too limited. I couldn't even grasp the sadistic happiness from Nightmare's followers when they taunted me anymore - not even when they touched me. I was dreading Nightmare's next visit; if what he had planned for me was truly possible, it would come soon. When the whispers in the hallway became silent, I heard the quiet, muffled footsteps of my brother, and the barred door to my cell squeaked open. 

"Hello, again, brother." His aura had once only clashed with mine, but now, in my weakened state, it went straight to my soul, and it hurt. "Are you ready to spend some more time together?"

He knew I couldn't respond; I had been too weak to even stand since the third month, and speaking had been out of my ability since the seventh. I could only cry, at this point, and I did, although I didn't believe that he cared. My pain increased with every step he took, despite the fact that I hadn't been harmed physically in my time here; this was a magic-based pain, and when he laid his hand on me, forcing his magic to flow within my body, it was at its fullest. My energy rose only because of my instinctive urge to get away, but his appendages kept me from acting, which left my only alternative as screaming. I had heard other screams down here, but they were mostly from fear; Nightmare's followers didn't seem to enjoy hurting others without a cause - although, if Nightmare ordered them to, they would. Their attacks seemed to be mostly the result of arguments between them, and if a stray attack hit someone as they ran through the dungeon, that was the fault of whoever was standing too close to the bars. Most of Nightmare's prisoners had no reason for being here other than to make the dungeon look more like a real dungeon; some of them were even paid to be here. Nightmare had always been one to go to extreme lengths to keep up a facade. I wished my situation was nothing but one of his facades. 

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