It's a Nuke

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After eighteen million hours of intensive research and studying, I have discovered what is in Sans's lab under the tarp.

This claim is not verified by anyone.


After eighteen million resets, Frisk had finally convinced Sans to reveal what was in his lab. Upon inspection, the tarp was held in place by a strong magic, and Frisk was unable to lift it. Looking under it yielded no results; Sans had to remove the spell.

"Kid, it's really nothing special." Sans rolled his eyelights at the child's enthusiasm.

"Show me!" The youngster demanded. "It must be something incredible! It's the only thing in this entire Underground I haven't found!"

"All right, kid, but I don't want any crying or weeping or bawling when you find out it's not the best thing since sliced bread."

"Tell me!" The child begged.

"All right...but you have to promise not to tell anyone; this is top secret."

"I promise!"

"It's a nuke."

Frisk's face lit up in unparalleled joy. 

"That's so cool!" The giddy child jumped for joy. "Show me, please!"

"All right, kiddo." Sans yielded, lifting the tarp.

It..that wasn't a missile of mass destruction. That wasn't a nuclear warhead!

"What is it?" Frisk wondered.

"It's a nuke." Sans repeated.

"No, it isn't!"

"'s good for nuking meals."

"..." Frisk was ready to commit genocide. 


"A microwave, Chara!" Frisk whined. "It was a microwave!"

"What a world." Chara chuckled.

"Don't laugh at my misery!"

"Just kill the skeleton."

Eight hours passed.

"I guess I'll have to use my special attack." Sans shrugged, charging up his most powerful attack.

"Do nothing." Frisk grinned.


Sans pulled out his microwave, and he set it for three minutes, with the door open.

"Taste radiation, kid!" Sans cackled.

Frisk got radiation poisoning and perished horribly.

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