☽ Chapter Forty ☾

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𝖂hen the gods gathered, there was war on earth.
Harsh storms were drowning the countries and the air smelled of blood. The sea seemed overwhelmed and huge waves were crashing against the cliffs, breaking stone and earth.
Up in the skies it didn't look much different. On a big field, the field were once everything had begun, the wind was howling the strongest. Aristaeus held the spear in his hand and watched how the sun god approached with his alliances. He stood closely to Silthos and felt the tension of the gods next to them. They would fight their own people. And it would end with one death. For a quick second his eyes looked up into the grey sky. He hoped that the sword was were it should be. Lunaan had promised him that no one would be able to get to it.

Cold rain was pouring down on the gods. The sun was still shining through the clouds over the horizon, but soon the last strays would fade and the supermoon would rise upon them. The air seemed deadly and sharp. A golden dagger rested in Silthos' hand, with its bloody dagger gleaming dangerously. His heart was beating in panic since this morning. He felt the presence of Death behind him every time now and it felt hard to breathe. "This is it now, right?", he asked Aristaeus breathlessly and glanced at him from the side. "Don't leave my side."

Aristaeus looked back at him, his eyes softening ever so slightly. "Never.", he whispered. Not in this moment, not even after Death teared them apart. These were their last moments and he would do everything he could to change fate. 

Slowly darkness came over Earth and a dreadful silence covered the battle field. The birds had stopped chirping, the waves had stopped crashing, the wind had stopped howling. The moon now covered the sun completely.

All it took was one arrow. It had come so rapidly, leaving a whistling sound in the air and sinking itself into the body of a god, making him fall to the ground with a thud. The first offense had started and all hell broke loose. From above the gods looked like mere humans, attacking each other, each side believing in what was right for them. But a gods war was different. They fought like natural disasters, leaving nothing but destruction behind them.  Aristaeus stayed at Silthos' side and not one god managed to get to him. No matter how hard they tried or how many of them attacked, Aristaeus was an unbreakable wall. He fought brutally and without mercy. 

The presence of Aurelius came closer and with that Aristaeus' anger grew. He brutally striked down another god that tried to get through him. With one motion he  pierced his spear through his chest. The god looked up at him and coughed blood while speaking something inaudible. "Traitor.", Aristaeus whispered under his breath and pulled the spear out, blood splattering on his face. In the next second he was back at Silthos's side again, his eyes resembling those of a beast.

Silthos was covered in blood, but his dagger remained clean. It seemed like the blood of other gods was just raining on him, even though he didn't raise his weapon once. His eyes were fixated on a certain deity. Aurelius - his grandfather. He was walking slowly towards him, his uniform already drained in blood. But something was horrifying to him. He was smiling, grinning even. Silthos couldn't move, the taste of Death grew on his tongue.

A shrill sound raged in Silthos' ears. Death placed his arms on his shoulders and whispered sweetly in his ear, "This is your fate." The young god didn't want to die. Not now that he had finally understood his abilities as the god of love and desire. He desired to wake up next to Aristaeus every day and receive soft kisses on his nose. He wanted to be loved like this forever and never have to miss it. He wanted to exist. But now his fate would begin and with it he would end.

Aristaeus felt a strong gust of wind rush past him and he saw the god of seasons clash with Syrena in an attempt to get the goddess of fortune out of the way. All those deities gathered on a holy place were now repeating history. Aristaeus was familiar with the battle field. He had been on it for so many times and yet this was something completely different. "Chareus!", he screamed towards the god of seasons in an attempt to warn him from the attack of Syrena, but it was too late. He only saw a gush of blood leave his mouth as she pierced him with her axe. Blood was flowing like rivers and it did everything to strengthen Aristaeus. He was thriving in the slaughter and blood, just like Worus, the god of chaos. He could see said deity running with a menacing grin and not being catched by anyone. Still, Aristaeus now had someone to keep him down on earth. Silthos was his anchor, and he did everything to protect him. Even with Aurelius coming closer and closer.

With Blood shall come Desire (MxM)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant