☽ Chapter Nine ☾

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𝕾ilthos stared at the hooded figure and closed his eyes for a second. The bond between Lunaan and the Baker seemed unbelievably strong. He could sense it sharply and clearly. "They... love each other so deeply... it pulls on my heart...", he whispered. Feeling love promised him hope and lightness, but on the other hand, it was overwhelming to feel it so closely. And a little voice back in Silthos' head asked him if he didn't wish to be loved the same way. Clear, strong and relentless. Until death swallows and binds the souls forever in its stomach. The god of love and desire stepped to the door of the tower and knocked against it. "Lunaan? You probably already knew that we would be visiting you. We only want to talk. No harm to anybody. I swear on destiny."

Aristaeus did not have as much patience as the other God and simply opened the door. "We're coming in!" Inside there was a small round room with a bed and a table. The Baker turned to look at them with surprised eyes. He was sitting on the edge of a bed with a damp towel in his hand. Aristaeus slowly entered with a worried frown. The usually strong presence of the moon god now only felt like a weak glimmer inside a fireplace that was threatened to go out. "Lunaan...", he whispered and slowly came closer to the bed. The human stood up and glared at Aristaeus with a strong gaze. The will to fight and protect the moon god was so strong that it left Aristaeus completely speechless. He saw a fire in those eyes ready to burn his skin down to his bones. "I won't let you hurt him. He's been hurt enough."

Silthos slowly stepped closer to the bed with horrified eyes. "What happened." The smell of death enveloped the room, making it feel stuffy and foggy. The usual feeling when Death rarely came to sit at the table of the gods. The only god that even his grandfather feared. Silthos stood close to Aristaeus, hoping his presence would calm him a little. The man next to him exuded security for him despite his furrowed brow.

The moon god seemed even paler than usual. His beautiful white hair stuck to his face and his breathing seemed uneven. Aristaeus stepped closer and let out a curse when he saw the beginning of a huge burn wound on his neck. It was the same he and Silthos had. Dried blood stained his hair and fresh ran down his neck, staining his shirt and the bed. Even the Baker's gentle hands were not spared from trying to stop the bleeding. "I don't know who it was." The Baker had tears in his eyes and his pain gave Silthos a pang in the chest. "I found him like this on my doorstep." The human balled his hands to fist. "I don't understand you gods... How can you be so cruel to each other? If you don't understand each other then how are we supposed to live in peace as well?" Aristaeus swallowed and put a hand on Lunaan's forehead. "He's burning." The god turned to look at Silthos. "This can only be the work of your grandfather. Silthos you have to calm the wound the way you did with mine. The least we can do is drop his body temperature."

Silthos seemed overwhelmed. He looked from the left to the right and bit his lip. "Aristaeus, it is not that easy... I could heal you because he took something from you that I can control but this... was just meant to hurt and bring suffering." His eyes wandered to the human. "I can maybe strengthen him.", Silthos now murmured and took the hand of the human. "I need your help, okay? It's for his best. You need to focus just on Lunaan, okay? I will strengthen the bond between you two... it may turn out a bit overwhelming. You will probably be able to hear each other's heartbeats and the rushing of blood in each other's veins... but it will take his pain, better say make him unaware of it. Will you help me?" He felt his own scar starting to burn again. A connection to strengthen love. The god of love and desire had never done anything like this before. He knew how to do it in theory, it was like an instinct. But the exact effects were unknown to him. The souls would merge to a certain amount and become inseparable. Lunaan would be completely clouded by the new depth of their bond, his pain would become less than anything in the world. The Baker would become everything.

Silthos felt the deep need to make everything right again, to correct his grandfathers doing. He felt responsible for all of this. The god of love and desire looked at Aristaeus with glowing red eyes. "Can you bring some of the healing liquid from Ethuna? It may reduce the pain."

With Blood shall come Desire (MxM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora