☽ Chapter Thirty Eight ☾ (Special Chapter)

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𝕱inally meet him? Vincent tried not to get flustered. "Lunaan? Like the moon?", he raised his brows with interest. Never before had he heard someone with a name like that. Except, of course the moon god. Vincent had heard stories of the gods when he was young. But he barely remembered them.

The probably most charming smile Lunaan ever made appeared on his lips, and he nodded. If he wasn't that awkward with conversation, people would probably come to think he belonged the nobility. "Indeed... just like the moon."

Vincent was captivated by that smile and looked at the man in awe. It was the bell that disrupted him from continuing to look as an older woman entered the bakery. Vincent let go of Lunaan's hand and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, I still have some work to do. I...-" Vincent quickly looked at the customer before coming closer to Lunaan. 

 "Would you like to meet me this evening?"

Lunaan hesitated with his answer. He quickly put on his head again and rushed to the door. Before leaving he turned back and nodded: "It would be my pleasure. Midnight. Here." With that the doorbell rang a third time this morning.


Vincent was a mess for the rest of the day. His thoughts were drifting to Lunaan every second and for the first time in a long time he was excited about something. Not only that, but he was nervous as well. He felt that there was more to Lunaan and he only hoped that it wouldn't completely overwhelm him. 

The evening came around fairly quickly. Vincent had managed to close the bakery earlier and found some time to take care of himself. He bathed, found nice clothes and even used a covering cream for his freckles. For a while he looked at himself in the mirror before deciding to take off the covering cream. He didn't mind his freckles, but society did. However, Lunaan was obviously not the average society. Midnight came around quickly and his nervousness increased as he stood in front of the bakery. Would they get to talk through the whole night? Would Lunaan like talking to him the way Vincent had enjoyed it? Nervously he bit on his lip and looked up into the night sky.

Punctual at midnight Lunaan arrived at the bakery. He wasn't wearing a hat anymore and his white long hair was swaying in the  wind. He was wearing a long coat again and underneath a white turtleneck that perfectly matched his hair. Now that he saw the young man he felt a bit regretful asking him at that hour. "I apologise for this late hour... you must be tired."

Vincent was tired, but when he saw Lunaan he felt a rush of excitement in his body. "It's alright. I suppose stars don't like the day time very much?" Now that he was seeing his white hair in its full glory he really did look like one. Vincent put his hands in his pockets to avoid the cold and looked at him with curiosity.

Lunaan gave him a small smile. "The sun makes them invisible... so, yes, I do believe they don't really appreciate the warm strays of the sun. And for me... it hurts my skin."

"Why?", he whispered, slowly taking in the sight of the man more and more. He had pale skin, compared to Vincent's, who was regulary out in the sun. Somehow he was scared of the answer, but he wanted to know. Where did this mysterious man come from?

Lunaan looked thoughtfully up at the moon and shrugged his shoulders. "I guess this will remain a forever mystery... since my... birth I always had avoided the sun."

Vincent exhaled slowly, his breath leaving like fog in the cold weather. "Who are you really, Lunaan?", he whispered, slightly stepping towards the man. "You speak with the stars and you know my most intimate wish... I would really like to learn more about you... You seem..." Vincent smiled softly and looked down. He was the kind of man the mortal dreamed about. Soft, gentle, honest and kind. "You seem like a nice person..."

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