☽ Chapter Five ☾

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𝕾ilthos stepped inside, elegantly taking off his long coat and laying it over a chair. The redhead was now in a huge villa. He turned in a circle to take a quick look at everything. Dark wood lined the rooms, which complemented the appearance of Aristaeus. But there was something very neat and appropriate about the furnishings. Suitable for the gentleman, but a contrast to the chaos that pulsed within this man. "You like appearing as a true gentleman, hm?"

"Well, am I not one?" Aristaeus took off his hat and coat as well, before guiding Silthos through the house. He had always been a gentleman through and through, but there were times where his manners were cast aside. Aristaeus opened the door to a spacious bedroom and glanced back at Silthos. "Please enjoy your stay. If there is anything you need, don't hesitate to tell me."

The god of love and desire sat down on the bed and just now realised how tired he really was. All the humans around him played awfully with his senses. His body seemed to get pulled into the bed and he closed his eyes for a second. The redhead drifted away for some minutes and then flinched. He should try to focus and maybe find out the true desire of the baker. It would be easier than trying to focus on the god of the moon, which was as impossible as trying to see clearly at night. Silthos closed his eyes and found himself in complete darkness. The desires of the humans appeared around him in various colours. He tried to make his way through this jungle - dark-red, warm orange and a violet shade drifting around him. Random people with unique desires. Then he found it, a clean white shimmering with a bit of rose. But as soon as he reached out his hand to touch it, it vanished and was pulled away. Silthos was left in complete darkness again.

Aristaeus had a completely different plan. For him the easiest way to achieve his goals was with violence. Fear, as he learned, was the best way to get through to the mortals.

The god of war had gone out once more and contacted a gang called 'The black dragons'. A group of ruthless people that had taken over a big part of the city. Perfect for Aristaues' plan. Gang wars weren't uncommon during these times but the god had managed to get a piece of every cake. Gangsters that had their eyes and ears everywhere, they were the real rulers of London. "So you want us to kidnap this baker?" Aristaeus had met with the gang boss of The black dragons, a middle aged man with piercing blue eyes. They stood in a lonely alley, surrounded by his people. "Yes. He has been seen together with a mysterious man with long white hair." Aristaeus saw that the boss immediately catched on. "I understand, Sir. We will get him for you." "Good. You have one hour. Bring him unharmed or you won't get your money." The god tipped his hat and left.

As promised, they brought him the baker in less than an hour into the cellar of his house and tied the scared man to a chair. Aristaues could hear his little heart beating with fear and he marvelled over the feeling. "Good job, boys." One important thing of being a gentleman was to never break his promises. He knew how much humans loved money, it was the easiest tool of motivation and the fastest way for him to get what he wants. Syrena, the goddess of fortune and luck could sing beautifully about it.


Aristaeus lit up a cigarette in the darkness and took his time to look at the man the moon god had spent so much time with. He had taken his time with coming down the cellar, to leave the little human more time to overthink the situation he was in. It created more fear inside a man's heart when he didn't know what fate awaited him. As soon as the god saw him for the first time he furrowed his brows. Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes and small freckles scattered around his nose. "What's so special about you...", he whispered to himself while the Baker pulled on the ropes. To Aristaeus the man looked most ordinary. "Who are you? Why did you do this? I know I'm behind on taxes but I promise to get the money by the end of this month." The god grinned slightly. "It's about something else, my dearest..."

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