☽ Chapter Thirty One ☾

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𝕾ilthos sat on the window frame of their room. The moon was a lovely place. It was quiet and very cold but it was also breathtaking in its beauty. Just like the sleeping beauty. He wondered if this place could be kissed alive just like her. Silthos' eyes were locked on the sky before him, the endless sight of stars flickering before him, some feeling so close that he could just touch them right sway. The star constellation of his mother nature was shining brightly to his left - a little owl. Silthos leaned his head against the window frame. Even the beauty of the universe couldn't take away the heavy feeling in his chest. He had probably three days left until the prophecy would burn him to ashes. But he wouldn't arise from it like a phoenix. His ashes would be carried away by the wind, maybe find itself in the universe as a new star constellation. The god of love and desire wished nothing more but to be a human at this point. The feeling would be more accepting because in your finite existence, you come to the point of acceptance early. Accepting the not preventable death. "I normally love it when people drive themselves to madness... not being able to stop themselves from thinking about me. Every second, every minute, every hour... can you hear the clock ticking?" The presence of Death catched Silthos off guard and it felt like his breath was taken away completely. He held himself barely over the water, Death trying to pull him deeper and deeper, swallowing the bubbles which were leaving the redhead's lips. Death was so close, his cold breath tickled his neck. The existence had a soft yet dark voice, slightly raspy and almost always whispering. "Why are you here again..." "Because it's a rare event, getting to taste an infinite soul. The last one was the mother of your grandfather - Xyliath... burning on the tongue but delicious afterwards. Will you taste just like the sweetest wine? Or firing like your great-grandmother?" A shiver ran down Silthos' spine. "I'm not ready yet!" "Of course you aren't, my little one. Don't get scared so easily... eternal peace is something wonderful you will find yourself to understand." Silthos turned around bravely, he wanted to lock eyes with the existence that would swallow his soul. But all he saw was thick smoke and one black eye glowing in amusement. "I just want you to bring a message to my beloved cousin, little one." Silthos couldn't take his eyes off the existence before him. This wasn't his final form, but seeing his presence so close was more than terrifying. He could taste Death on his tongue - cold and finite. "Tell him that we will soon meet again and that he can't change what is about to come. When all the petals of a rose have fallen, no more new ones shall come. Only a new seed shall bring new life. The universe has chosen. But I'm looking forward to meeting with him again. And he will be pleased to see me." The madness in the voice of Death seemed to have vanished. It was rather serious and calm. In this very moment, Silthos wasn't afraid of Death anymore. He was an eternal existence just like him. And he was the most lonely god he knew. Forever hungry, forever different, forever chained to his task of collecting souls and swallowing them. "Am I wrong to be scared of dying as a deity that already has lived for decades?", the young god suddenly asked Death. The black smoke seemed surprised by his questions and an emotion flickered in the black eye. Something that almost resembled empathy. "No. Your fear shows that you are alive. Who would be willing to lose something so beautiful?" With that Death disappeared right before his eyes and only the smoke stayed a little longer.

Aristaeus had left Lunaan's room and met Vincent on the way. Even though the baker had tried his hardest to hide it, he seemed very impatient for their talk to finish. Aristaeus couldn't blame him though, it must have been tough to be apart from his lover for so long. You will be apart from yours too. For eternity. Aristaeus swallowed and shook his head, quickening his step towards their room. He entered their chamber silently and his eyes immediately found Silthos. The soft light from the stars illuminated the room and made Silthos glow. Aristaeus felt his shoulders relax and he sighed, shrugging off his jacket. "Love..." The god went over to the red haired and kissed his shoulder. The little touches and nicknames all came so instinctively, it felt as if Aristaeus was meant for the other god. "What are you thinking about..." His arms found their way around Silthos' waist as he braced his chin on top of the God's head.

Immediately, all terrifying thoughts in Silthos' head vanished and he leaned against the touch. He turned around and pulled himself deeper into the affection of Aristaeus. "Your cousin was here again...", he starts to whisper. "I don't wanna go... not now... not that I finally found you... I can't... I..." His voice cracked and he surprisingly found tears running down his cheeks.

Aristaeus only held him tighter and closed his eyes. He couldn't be weak. Not now. He had to be strong for Silthos as long as possible because he knew that he would break to pieces when he wasn't here anymore. "I will be by your side. No matter what happens." Not even death would part them, Aristaeus would make sure of that.
Silthos clinged to him and felt peace by the warmth of the other gods body. "Will we make love under the universe-" He widened his eyes. "No, I didn't mean to make it sound like that... I meant!" The redhead bit his lip. "Do you know that... Lunaan is supposed to have a huge hot bath that mirrors the star so clearly that an existence might come to think they are literally bathing in the universe...?"

Aristaeus looked down at Silthos, his grin softening after his mishap. "Wanna go find it?", he whispered convincingly. "May all the stars watch and be jealous while I kiss you." Aristaeus had known that Lunaan had possibly the most mysterious home of all deities. Each room had its own secret charm. Aristaeus slightly let go of Silthos only to take his hand. "Let's go. I could use a bath."

Silthos wiped his tears away and nodded with a small smile on his lips. He tried to blur out all his thoughts of the future for now and just concentrate on the man before him. The god of love and desire stood up and went behind the room divider to undress. He returned with just a light dark red garment that hung loosely low on his shoulders. "Ready to go."
Aristaeus looked him up and down before prying his eyes of Silthos and smiling. Being a gentleman was harder than usual. They walked through the empty halls of the palace and Aristaeus wondered how lonely Lunaan must have been without Vincent. Finding the bathing chambers was fairly easy because the soft smell of roses and other oils came from a room at the very end of the hall.

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