☽ Chapter Twenty Three ☾

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"𝕯id you always look that old, Syrena? My Xyliath, sleeping with my grandfather really seemed to have dried off your beautiful skin, hm?" Silthos grinned at her with sharp eyes. This woman had offered more than once her body to him, but every time he had rejected her. Her scent always had something rotten. From his mother, he had heard that she had been a different goddess before. Cheerful and full of energy to strengthen humanity. But power had changed her soul, poisoned it and made her golden heart turn into a thick tar black.

There was much chaos inside of Silthos. The last days had opened his eyes, made family and friends into enemies and vice versa. But the chaos wasn't bursting out, yet. It was like water starting to boil over in a pot. The redhead stood up and took the black flower in his own hands. He slowly brought it to his lips and kissed it gently. "You don't have to do this."

Syrena only scoffed and looked at Silthos with cold eyes. "The moment you sided with Lunaan, you betrayed every god and goddess. Lunaan went mad and he needed to be stopped before the peace Xyliath gifted us crumbles to dust. Do you even know what he has done already?"

Yes. During the last few days they have heard of the destroyed temples and other holy buildings in the world of the gods. Lunaan wanted to see the deities' world burn, so that the pain, the fire burning in his own heart, could eat from it.

"It all had a reason." Aristaeus slowly stood up and immediately towered over the woman. He had a little grin on his face. "You made your choice, Syrena. I'll see you on the battlefield... Make sure to not cross my way."

Silthos stopped in all his motions. His senses sharpened. The air seemed suddenly thicker and colder. His breath formed little clouds before his lips. "Not on the battlefield...", the redhead whispered and glared at Syrena, "... here. It's an illusion." The humans around them vanished in smoke, the lights went off and only the moon from the outside lightened the now abandoned house. Syrena's golden eyes before him were glowing deadly in the darkness and a grin appeared on her black lips. "Show yourself, Zileon!", the redhead shouted and examined the room closely. Zileon - the god of illusion and trickery.

One thing that Aristaeus couldn't stand at all were illusions. He had the soul of a warrior that honoured a true and honest fight. Illusions were a dirty trick to get the upper hand on an opponent. And now they noticed it way too late. It had all been a trap to stop them before they could contact Lunaan. Syrena disappeared in thin air, thanks to the illusion. Now they could feel the presence of many gods. "This is a fucking trap... ", he whispered and looked around for Zileon. In Aristaeus' hand appeared a long silver spear, created by an ancient black smith specially made for the god of war. No other man or god could pick it up except him. The gods trademark. "Silthos, can you feel him? We need to get Zileon out of the way or we are blind through the whole thing."

Silthos nodded. This was the moment he had to use his powers without borders and effectively. He took a deep breath and winked at the god of blood and war. "Don't get a boner. Would be embarrassing for the fight...", he whispered and let his eyes wander around the room. They were glowing and shining deadly like a tiger lurking its prey. "Zileon...", Silthos' voice was echoing in the room - dark and tempting. "You know I don't like this kind of game..." There seemed to be an aura around the god of love and desire, pulling everything around him into a trance. It was like he was turning into a flower which sprays spores to attract little creatures. Silthos tried to keep a clear head, his powers already consuming his logical thinking, wanting him to fall and drown in it. Wanting him to drown everyone around him.

Make them drown. Make them fall. Make them bleed your lovely name.

Aristaeus had pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. While listening to Silthos' voice echo through the room, he didn't feel any lust inside of him, even with his heart back in place. Silthos' voice was smooth like silk and it was like balm to his ears. And that was what surprised him the most. Silthos was known for his powers, famous for the way no one could resist them. But Aristaeus did. And now he did it again, even though his feelings for the god have grown in unmeasureable amounts.

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