☽ Chapter One ☾

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𝖂hen the gods gathered, there was peace on earth. It was only fair to let the humans rest a little, while the ones high above needed to solve a crime. Stealing a weapon from the Sun God himself was the highest crime one could commit. It only took one letter to gather all the gods.

Aristaeus put the cigarette out on the floor and gazed at the endless looking stairs. The Sun God, Aurelius, had always been too extravagant with all his stuff. For that meeting he had to stop a war in the west just as it was about to get interesting. In the letter the reason for the meeting hadn't been stated which irritated Aristaeus even more. What could be so important to gather all the gods in one place. Most couldn't even stand each other. But the thought of a fight breaking out really amused him. Aristaeus climbed up the stairs and looked at the other gods arriving. The huge door towards the conference room was not open, which to Aristaeus was a sign of disrespect, but he hadn't expected anything less from Aurelius. He had always thought too highly of himself.
The god opened the heavy door and looked over his shoulder, noticing the goddess of wine and celebration. "My my, Aristaeus. Long time no see." She smiled at him and he tipped his hat in return. "Looks like it." He opened the door for the goddess. "After you my dear."

The eyes of Silthos' grandfather had never been this cold and cruel since the first bloody war. The sun god sat on his chair which was decorated in gold. Silthos, his grandson, the god of love and desire, hesitated to sit beside his blood. He remained in the big entrance hall, speaking to some of his cousins. His beauty was making even all the other gods around him give him a desiring glance. He wore a long black skirt with golden pattern on it and a black suit with a red shirt. The suit and shirt were buttoned just a little above his belly and his bare chest was revealed to anyone. The black of his outfit underlined even more his red hair and matching eyes. He tried to ignore the glances, even though they quickly got on his nerves and talked to his sister, the goddess of destiny. She was blinded long ago and due to that never attracted by his charme and beauty.

Aristaeus entered the room silently, not bothered to greet anyone. He wasn't around other gods a lot and was mostly on his own, dealing with the issues down on earth. He was dressed the most simple, and in the most human way. Their sense of fashion was very much to his taste, especially in this new age. Simple coats and suits topped with a hat. Nothing delighted him more.
The enormous hall was soon filled with gods, impatiently waiting for the man of the hour to appear. "What could this man want to tell us that is so important...", he whispered under his nose and noticed the goddess of destiny. She would most likely know the reason and Aristaeus really liked people that knew things. With swift movements he made his way through the crowd and walked up to the goddess. Only then he noticed Silthos next to her. The god of love and desire. Of course, he was probably the reason for the crowd around them. "Good evening, my lady.", he said towards the goddess and then slightly bowed towards Silthos. The god of love and desire almost could swear he tasted some blood on his tongue when this man stepped beside him. The blind goddess turned to Aristaeus and had a smile on her lips. "Greetings, Aristaeus, and if you were going to ask me about the reason for this uncommon meeting, I can't tell you. Not even my brother, who has the same blood as the sun of god, knows the reason for this. And my vision seems blurry today. But I can sense something burning... something crucial." Silthos glanced at Aristaeus from the side. The god of blood and war. He still didn't show any spots of desire in his face. He didn't even greet him specially. Oddly and horrific. That's probably the best words to describe this god.
"Something burning? Isn't he burning all the time?", Aristaeus sighed. He must admit that he was slightly disappointed by the answer but he didn't blame her for it. Aristaeus then turned towards Silthos. They didn't meet often. And when they did, the god was always surrounded by admirers. Not that it bothered Aristaeus. He never had a reason to talk to this man since they couldn't be more different. Love and War didn't exactly fit in with each other. Aristaeus was always down on earth while he had never seen the other man step foot on the land of the humans. Or maybe he hadn't been anywhere near him. Because where Aristaeus went, chaos followed. "I'm surprised that even the grandson doesn't know anything. Or maybe you don't want to share it with us?" He grinned slightly, clearly only teasing Silthos and testing the waters. A few of the gods around him looked at Aristaeus with a confused glance as if he just insulted their lover boy in the worst possible way.

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