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"Have you noticed you look... different, outsider?"

"In what way, Donaigan?"

"Surely you are playing me for a fool. Have you noticed?"

He had a point. My eyes were quite different from his, and as he pulled down his hood, I realized that was not where the differences ended. His ears were more pointed than mine and elongated to the back, and had two freckles behind the left and three or four behind the right. They had fringes on the bottom I can't recall ever having seen something like prior. His skin was quite darker than mine, but not in a sense from back home – it seemed more gray than brown. His beard was thin but stretched around to the back of his neck as well, like a mane. He was also quite tall, and from this angle it could be seen that his arms under his robe seemed to poke out a bit differently than mine would. It goes without repeating that his apparel was different than anything I would have had worn back home.

"Yes, I've noticed."

"You look like a Qualruun. It's an ancient word we still use in our language, meaning original folk."

"Original folk?"

"Yes. There are some in this world who look more like you than I do, and some who look less. But you... you look original. You'll need to make some changes to be able to fit in here."

"What do you mean by original, Tulius?"

He stopped in his tracks here and looked me in the eye.

"That's Donaigan to you, outsider. Besides, I don't really use that name anymore."

"Sorry, Donaigan. What are the original folk?"

"Everyone in this land is connected, in a sense. And you appear to maybe represent the link how. But that's enough on that for now. We have a ways to go from here and you need to rid yourself of that filthy outsider smell. You would do best as either a Ruktruun, Pahmsruun, or Gladrusiin."


"Pick one."

"How am I supposed to pick something I know nothing about?"

"Pahmsruun it is."


"Ugh, fine. Here."

Similar to when he showed me his backstory, a memory appeared in front of me, or rather, three. In each one I could see what each group looked like. Donaigan narrated to me the story of each:

"The Ruktruun consider themselves the oldest primary clan to survive to this day. They have many traditions but shun outsiders from learning them unless they prove their commitment to upholding the principles themselves. They are isolated and dwell on mountains far above the clouds where they have built massive civilizations that continue largely as they have for eons now. They are fierce warriors, although it is rarely a necessary skill for them, due to the natural defenses of the land they live in, and also having few groups in the region to coexist with. After all they are the originals in the territory and have long since successfully pushed out anyone who tried to move in alongside them."

"The Pahmsruun are folk originating from the Ruktruun clan and closely related to them, but split off from them many centuries ago, at least depending on who you ask. Unlike their old brethren, they believed they needed to welcome in order to reconcile all groups outside of their own. In droves they set sail on the river that flows down from Mt. Taurikip and followed it all the way down to the sea, colonizing the lands along the way as well as founding a capital in the New World, Great Laurikin. Great Laurikin is renowned for its access to essentially our entire world; due to both their desire to return home at their whimsy and their desire to educate and get to know the rest of the world, Laurikin holds many of the world's most powerful shipping networks and has trips out from it through various means of transportation, from Skyboat to WingedDawn."

"Nobody knows where the Gladrusiin come from. They themselves tell a story that says they come from the air, but nobody knows what that means. They don't oppose outside people or traditions the way the Ruktruun do, but it is rare you would run into one, as they are only found in pockets all around the world generally hidden from outsiders purveyance. However, when stumbling upon them they have been known to be welcoming if not a bit, well, unconventional."

"Wouldn't it make the most sense for me to be one of them? After all, if many people wouldn't even know one to see one... it might be my best chance at flying under the radar."

"Yes, well, that very well may be true but... the truth is not even I know much about the Gladrusiin. Picking them would be a risky option, as if people start asking many questions, you're on your own from there."

"Let's try it anyway!"

"Yes, well, very well... suit yourself, outsider."

He opened up a hole in front of me and walking through it we ended up in an alley surrounded by towering buildings on each side and noise nearby.

"This doesn't look like the in-between. Is it?"

As we continued walking straight it led into a plaza surrounded by more buildings and to the left were open squares and people selling, conversing, and dancing.

"No, it isn't. This is Great Bratton, which lies within the Great Center. It is an area all come to for their shopping, speaking of which..."

"Come get your goods! Get your goods! Well hello, Donaigan. What do we have here?"

"Save it, Philings. We need clothes, not tricks at the moment."

"Clothes, yes, clothes. Well don't you know by now that anything you need, I can get you? Head down to Marksys'," he said as he started walking us down and pointed toward the store "And tell them Phil sent you. Bye!"

"As much as I cannot stand him, he is right, that is probably our best bet to get you taken care of. Let's go."

We walked in through the front door and the store was larger than any average store back home. At three stories (above ground) there was anything we could need, filled with stands hanging with different articles on them, drawers, and even people showcasing different outfits. Someone greeted us soon after ending.

"Party attire for the Gladrusiin, please."

"Invited to a Gladrusiin party? Well aren't you lucky. Right this way, you will find the finest authentic accessories here in the only right shop to choose from, after all. Here we are," he said as he tapped his hand on the top of a drawer and it opened right up. He continued "Ties, boots, jewelry, you name it. Let us know if you need anything else," and then walked off leaving us to look through the items on our own.

"Party attire, Donaigan?"

"Yes well, you see, the best way to get to know the Gladrusiin is to be near them, and the only way for us to be near them that I can think of for right now is to stop in at one of their parties. We were invited,"

He randomly pulled two envelopes out of his front robe pocket.

"And we're going. Now come on then, find what you like and get dressed."

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