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I envisioned myself back home on Earth. For some reason I couldn't remember much of it. I remembered holding my sister's hand, hearing her laughs as I told jokes and pushed her on a swing. I remembered helping her grow up; teaching her lessons I'd learned only by growing older myself. I saw myself peering through books in a library, and then in my room, living alone. I saw myself travel the Earth, watching what was happening...

And then my mind went blank. I couldn't think much of back there anymore, or at least I don't remember that part of my dream. I tried briefly, but it wouldn't come up. I began dreaming about how I entered this place; waking up on that floor, searching and trying to figure out where I was. Remembering the darkness of those corridors, and then the food and hidden quarters I'd found. I thought about the first week spent back below that trapdoor, wondering what was outside. And I remembered the events of the night outside it; seeing colors, glow, and life that felt completely different to anything I was used to.

I drifted off and this part of my dream I can't remember. I just remember waking up, with my ribs hurting, feeling like something had pulled specifically on them. My shoulders and legs felt strange as well, and I was incredibly thirsty. Even my hair felt different.

Opening my eyes I looked around and saw the walls behind me. I had woken up outside them, on the ground where I had passed last night to enter in. One of the streams was right below me, audibly flowing over the rocks and eventually flowing and connecting down to the water outside this land.

I got up and walked.

Welcome to Somewhere ElseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin