Chapter 1

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Shrykos glowered at her brothers and sisters, for all their wisdom they were stubborn fools. 

Vhagar and Gaelithox were the only ones firmly on her side in this. The others all had their reservations. Especially Balerion, he was staunchly against their plans. 

“It’s done! The souls are in my realm, they will stay there!” Balerion said gruffly, his black scales glimmering ominously. 

Shrykos rolled her eyes “We only need two! We won’t reverse time but instead create a mirror world based off of this one. It will give you even more souls! Can you truly not see the merit in this? The long night has destroyed this realm, it is dead. To change the fate of this realm is useless but we could create another and when the same fates befall this world we bring the souls from your realm to the next!” she said vehemently. 

She didn’t understand why they were being so stubborn, what was the choice if they don’t? Their power diminishes into nothing while all the souls they had created slowly get picked off one by one. 

Gaelithox nodded alonge with his sister, he was the god of the dawn and there would never be another here, he wanted to start a new “The song of ice and fire failed here, The prince lost his strongest weapon years before he was even born. At least in this new realm we can hope for a different result. You know we could create a mirror realm, it would be like restarting the world from the beginning, we have done it before” he said as he scowled at the others. 

Tyraxes shook her head in exasperation “And look what happened!? It only got worse! The last time we tried this the Prince at least had a chance! Look at what happened! We should just accept our fate and stop fighting the inevitable” she said, she was thinking with a level head unlike some of the others. Though being the goddess of wisdom did help with that. 

Vhagar looked at her sister pleadingly “Then if this fails we won’t do it again, but at least give it a chance! I don’t want to fade away! It will be different this time, we will take more of an active role” she said with wide eyes, begging the others to consider. 

Arrax, leader of the gods, looked around at each of them before sighing “Fine, one more time. If we are going to do this we should do it right this time, consult the others. Maybe our combined efforts will lead to a better outcome. Who did you have in mind to send sister?” he asked Shrykos. 

She sighed in relief, finally they were listening to her “We interfered too late last time, giving the Targaryen girl dragons wasn’t enough, we need to keep them from losing them in the first place. We will send back Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. Stop the loss of dragons all together, we send the souls back into their bodies at the correct moment. Send them dreams to guide them like we did with the Targarynes of old” she said, excitement growing in her. This was a new beginning, her specialty. 

Vermax scoffed “And which of us are going to micromanage these mortals? I certainly won’t be doing it” he said dismissively. 

Syrax rolled her eyes in exasperation as she gave him a droll look “Yes, because we all thought you would jump to volunteer. I’ll help if you would like, the girl did name her dragon after me. It was cute, and her husband does love his chaos and you know how I love chaos” she said with a sharp grin. 

Shrykos shook her head quickly “We all know you love chaos sister, in that breath I think I’ll be the one to micromanage this project. I can always use some help though, Chaos and war always do go good together” she said with a sarcastic edge. 

Syrax smirked while Tyraxes shook her head mournfully and put her face in her hands, she couldn’t watch as those two let this unfold. She let out a mournful groan “Fine, I will help. But only because if you two are in charge of this project it will go up in flames” she said as she ran her hands down her face as she eyed her two sisters. 

Syrax just blew her kisses in thanks for the lovely compliment, she loved flames, her and Gaelithox got alonge swimmingly. 

Arrax stood up “If were doing this I need to confer with the tree gods, get their assistance” He said briskly before walking out of the hall. 

Balerion scowled at his retreating brother “Why do I even try?” he asked rhetorically. 

Meleys smiled fondly at him “oh stop pouting Balerion, just because your the god of death doesn't mean you have to be so grumpy. Cheer up! It’s a whole realm of new souls for you to reap!” she said excitedly.

Balerion just stared at her expressionless until she huffed, rolled her eyes, and looked away from him with a pout on her lips. Balerion couldn’t keep the small smirk from his face, one of the few joys he has is getting under her skin. 

“Vhagar, when should we send their souls back? Time is your domain, what would have the best effect?” Tyraxes asked as she scratch a claw down a dragonglass throne in thought. 

Vhagar sighed “It has to be before the Hightower blood is let in the line. It’s what leads to the downfall. I will have to examine the timeline carefully and see how this new realm progresses, if it followers the same line I have a few ideas when we could send them back. We only need to connect to one and use the connection between them to bring back the other” she said in contemplation, pacing the room as she thought of a thousand possibilities. 

She continued mumbling to herself before stalking out of the room, she had things to plan. 


After conversing with the old gods of the trees Arrax had an agreement, they would send the souls back as was their power while they would create the new realm, hopefully this time it goes better than the last. 

Plans are made, dreams prepared.

When they were finally ready they came together, using their claws to cut through their skin and scales, letting blood fill their hands before joining. 

They channeled their collective power, used it to do what they had once done long ago. They started a new. They began the second chances of the dragons. 

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