Skeleton party

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Your chest is heavy, there's a lump in your throat as you struggle to make sense of your surroundings.
Skeletons in piles, darkness looming from contorted eye sockets and ribcage. You're in the prison seal.

"Stay still" you hear Satoru say softly, as you become aware of how close you are to him. His eyes glow, his hands on your hips as you straddle him.

Panic starts to kick in as you realise what you've done. Where you are and how there's a very slim chance of survival. You breath quickens as you close your eyes to avoid the reality of the situation.

Satoru grabs your arm, his other hand remains on your hip as his head is elevated by a pile of bones. He's not freaked out or even worried, he seems content as if you were on vacation in Maylasia and not trapped in a prison realm of skeletons.

"Breathe. You're okay" he says softly. You meet his eyes that are glued to you, a small smirk creeping on his lips. Is he enjoying this ?

"We're fucked" you say with a shaky voice

He chuckles pulling you down so your heads resting on his chest.

"Shhh, we will be fine you just need to stay calm" he says

You close your eyes. Laying on his chest, you're uncomfortable but for this moment of reassurance you'll take it.

"Suguru was here" you start but trail off feeling a pain surge through your heart. Even Satoru's smirk falls flat on his lips

"That wasn't him" Satoru says void of all emotion

"How do you know"?

"I killed him, it couldn't be" once again his words are so brutal to sensitive hearts.

There's a strange moment of silence before Satoru speaks
"That was my best friend"

"I thought I was gonna marry him on day

Satoru snorts chuckling. You sit up again still straddling him, giving him a glare

"What"? You bite

He pats your shoulder playfully
"How long were you with him"? He asks

"Like eight maybe nine years" you answer sadly

"Oh, okay fine so it's not funny. I guess you win the pity contest" he says smirking once more "still best friend" he gestures to himself

You roll your eyes at his arrogant behaviour but can't help but smirk
"You're a jerk" you say

He chuckles once more pushing you off him. You land on your butt grunting.

"Whoopsie" he says sitting up to face you.

You groan annoyed "why did I try to save you" you curse yourself

"Because despite all your little sly remarks and grumpy attitude, you care for me" he explains with his usual air of arrogance.

"Yeah well look where that's gotten me, waiting to dehydrate and die. With you ofcourse" you say sarcastically but it's honest.

"Time is different here, you'll be okay just listen to me yeah"?

You groan in annoyance. He places his blindfold over his eyes resting his chin on his palm in his irritating aloof pose

"Quit the attitude Yn, we have to stay calm"

You bite your tongue before saying anything that might cause an argument. It pains you to know he's right.

Her Control (Satoru Gojo x Reader book 2)Where stories live. Discover now