The Crow

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"Im gonna enjoy this" Mei Mei purrs her voice sultry as always. She flicks out her battle axe, standing her guard before you.

You smirk, twirling a black shiny umbrella innocently.
"Alright, Mei Mei, don't hold back." You challenge her, focusing your cursed energy to be more threatening drawing her in with viloent charm. 

She makes no effort to move, instead summoning a flurry of crows to start off your fight. A murder circles you, becoming a blurry carnival of black beaks and talons.

You stay calm, since you've imbued cursed energy into the umbrella you're twirling, it will render any of Mei's crows paralysed upon touching you or the umbrella The gleam shining off the umbrella you twirl is enough to blindside most of the crows anyway.

Mei Mei jumps into an attack, swinging down her heavy battle axe in your direction. You swiftly bounce back on the balls of your feet, pushing her back with your umbrella.

She dodges using quick wit to deduce you've imbued the umbrella with your cursed energy.

Yuji Itadori walks side by side with Satoru Gojo. Having only just arrived into the world of Jujustsu his eyes widen at the ordeal of murderous crows and hand to hand combat.

Satoru lifts his blind for a moment to inspect what's happening around him.

"What's happening"? Yuji asks Satoru seeming dumbfounded and shocked.

Satoru smiles his arms folded behind his back as he speaks to himself.
"I told her not to do it." He says with a light and cheery tone.

"Huh"? Yuji enquires unsure of who Satoru's referring to. He rubs the back of his neck, stopping when Satoru stops to watch the fight between the two women.

Mei Mei swings the battle axe across her body. You check with your shin with professional self defensive skill. The handle of the battle axe hurts, but the pain only drives you to fight harder.

You can't help but laugh from the pure rush of adrenaline from the fight. It's a complete contrast to Mei Mei's mock serious demeanour.

Crows fall from the sky in a state of paralysis from a mere feather touching you or your choice of weapon today, the umbrella. You close your umbrella to strike at her feet. She's impressively graceful as she avoids each strike like a repetitive dance she's learnt.

She's quick to strike back as the curve of her battle axe snatches your ankle. You fall back, landing on your back. You groan watching Mei Mei flick her hair and stand over you, holding the axe to your throat.

She flashes a devilish grin. "I'm sure you won't survive this," she says, summoning crows to dive at you with sharp impact.

Yuji and Satoru watch intently. Satoru is about to step in. He specifically told you not to challenge Mei because he didn't think you would survive it, and now he's assured he was right.

Before Satoru can ruin your fun, you grab the battle axe that she's holding, pulling it over your head and out of her hands. She's reluctant to let go of the axe falling on top of you being pulled down by your strength.

You're opening! You touch her, commanding her to stay in place. As a result of your direct cursed energy, she has no choice but to obey. She couldn't fight the commanded will of her soul that you had pupeterred.

Her crows let up on their command to attack you now that her own body would take the impact being above yours.

Satoru smiles at your play of the fight. He's pleasantly surprised to see how quick you can think under pressure and how strong your cursed energy is.

Mei Mei smirks, crows gather on the ground around you, both cawing in your face in irritation of their mistresses' restraintment.

"They have to go through you to get to me." You point out, waiting for her to break and throw the fight.

"Not bad," she purrs stuck in place.

Satoru claps slowly, gaining both yours and Mei's attention.

"Mei, please tell me you didn't agree to this?" Satoru asks cocking his head as he looks down at the two of you.

"It did take a while to convince me" she says thoughtfully

"How much"? Satoru asks

"I was paid for my discrepancy" she admits

You release control over Mei Mei as she can feel her own self control return. She stands up, brushing off her uniform.

"Uhhh so you were paid to fight that woman"? Yuji asks interjecting himself into the conversation.

Crows scatter, making themselves scarce as you climb up from the ground. Your hair is messy, and there's grass on your uniform.

Mei takes an interest in Yuji looking over him. As do you, curious about the boy.

"Mei doesn't do anything unless she's paid to" you tell the boy smiling at him.

"She's not wrong" Satoru says

Mei placed her battle axe in Yuji's hands throwing a red cloth at him to wrap her weapon.

He does so hesitantly unsure about the clear order that was never given to him.
He clumsily wraps the blade and stands there upon further instruction. You notice the second pair of eyes under his own tightly shut.

"It was fun Yn, perhaps we will do this again" Mei Mei says beginning to walk away.

Yuji who is still holding her weapon looms a little confused as to what he's meant to do with it.

"Just follow her" you tell him. He looks at you then sprints off after her. You watch him run off thoughtfully.

"You couldn't just leave it" Satoru says his head cocked to the side still. His blindfold secured around his head.

"In all fairness, you were never meant to find out" you retort playfully.

His lips form a sly smile at the idea of you and Mei fighting again. Perhaps in a bikini or maybe over him. Oh yeah, he would like that.

"Was that him"? You ask snapping Satoru out of his perverted thoughts.


"The vessel for Sukuna"? You elaborate

"Yeah, that was him" he answers his smile faltering.

"Did that kid really eat a finger"?

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