dance battle

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The loud music shook your body, the beat piercing your ears in perfect timing to the flashing coloured lights. Fog machines and beautiful woman on tight dresses being prayed on by intoxicated men in a large pool of sweaty dancing bodies.

The night club was lively and smelly and packed to the brim, but this is where you're assignment is so you politely push your way through the crowd and start looking around for an annonamlies.

The dress you wore was too tight and your breasts were on display making it painfully obvious to remember since everyone you spoke to had to look at your chest before your irritated eyes.

You walked behind Satoru who had a much easier time squeezing through the crowd, as though he was parting the red sea. You reach the bar the floor making a strange gross sound from the spilt alcohol and sticky grip.

Satoru put a hand on your shoulder he didn't even bother to wear anything to blend in. He looked strange in this crowd but I suppose since it's so close to Halloween no one really minded.

"Drink"? He asks close to your ear.

You would of thought it was uncomfortable if it wasn't the only way to actually communicate properly over the abusidirty of the loud music.

"Tequila" you tell him

He bumped your shoulder playfully talking to the bar staff loudly. You look at Satoru concerned for a moment. This man should not be drinking he doesn't handle alcohol well. You didn't really feel like exorcising a curse and dragging Satoru home. Regardless you take your shot. The sting in your throat replaced with the gravelly salt and tangy lime.

Satoru makes a loud ick sound as he slams the shot glass down. You laugh at him, this fucking guy.

You have to get close to him to talk which isn't unusual for you two but your dress and his flushed face from one shot has you feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Do you sense anything"? You ask him hoping his six eyes will be able to see the barstad curse and you can get this over and done with.

"Nope" he answers his hot breath on your ear. He flashes you a cheeky grin grabbing your arm to pull you towards the dance floor.

You laugh "no, no way"! You complain though you haven't exactly stopped moving.

"Come on! It'll be fun" he says stringing you along.

"Satoru I can't dance are you crazy"!

He just laughs, you feel your cheeks redden as you make your way to the floor. Why is he always playing, this boy plays to much.

He doesn't exactly dance he kind of just does little bops as he pulls your arms around. You laugh at him. He looks like an idiot but then again atleast he's having fun. You laugh and start dancing just as equally bad with him. It's cute and you're both having fun.

After you do a couple of more shots you finally feel relaxed enough to dance more freely without embaressment or pride retricting your nervous movements. Actually now that you think about it. His hands are on your hips and his kneeding your skin gently. You laugh and talk and get closer. There's a strange tension in the air one you can only assume is sexual. Your thoughts are becoming arousing as you imagine him grabbing you more, breathing on your neck as he talks to you.

Satoru being the lightweight he is doesn't seem to notice this tension as he gets closer to you. Your waist keeps moving against his own as you both dance freely. It sends shivers down your spine the kind of excitement that makes you want to tear off his clothes. You start pulling him closer as he grins. He's not nervous he was wanting this. He has for a while now.

You both break apart upon hearing a shrill shriek come from the front on the club. Satoru remains calm, not even hesitating to go towards the apparent drama. You follow behind him all tension evaporating between you two as the potential threat of someone becoming harmed takes over.

A small circle of people have started forming around the apparent incident as some people start leaving the dance floor. Damn it ! This wouldn't of happened if you could just remain focused on the stupid assignment you were given.

Finally you two make it to the front of the dance floor as you break through the circle of assholes. You and Satoru look to each other in shock then to the scene before you.

"Dance battle"! Some eager man shouts as two equally skilled dancers start pop and locking in their opponents face.

You hear Satoru snicker as he tries to hold back his laugh. You smile at him feeling an eruption of relief and joy as you both end up laughing. You laugh till you cry leaning on each other for support.

"No we didn't "! You cry out laughing. He's completely draped over you as he continues laughing.

"Oh my God" he cries trying to catch his breath.

Eventually after awhile you calm down watching the dance battle. There's instigating 'woahs' and cheers as people enter the circle to dance their hearts out to win a silly little contest. You find your self getting quite engorged in the whole ordeal.

Satoru being the playful monster he is taps you lightly pushing you inside the circle. You look at him with a mock anger and laugh trying to find your way out of the circle.

Oh God you're really doing this. You do an extremely ungraceful wave with your hands trying to imitate a dancer who had previously been inside the battle. People laugh and cheer making you feel embaressed but there's no malice just cheerful fun.

Eventually the circle closes up as everyone goes back to dancing playfully.

"That was really good" Satoru says his breath returning to your ear.

You laugh leaning into him
"Shut up".

Her Control (Satoru Gojo x Reader book 2)Where stories live. Discover now