Dead flowers

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The sky was clear as sunset rotated around the sky with every passing hour. You flip the page in your book to start a new chapter.

"Is it wrong I like Dorian Grey" ? You question yourself, staring at the small dark stain of blood on the hard cobbled ground. The only remenant of Suguru Geto and his body where you last saw him.

Yeah maybe spending hours at the location he was killed wasn't a very healthy coping mechanism but according to everyone who works at this stupid school there's no grave site for you to visit.


You jump like a cat throwing your book as Satoru makes an appearance.

"Woah sorry I didn't mean to;" he sighs picking up your book for you.

"God! You scared me what the hell. Do you have on like stealth mode"! You yell at him.

He leans on the wall before you
"Okay" he says handing the book to you

You snatch the book annoyed to see him. He seems to be a little uncomfortable leaning in the same place he murdered his best friend now trying to talk to his girlfriend.

"What are you doing here"? You ask him now, standing up and brushing off your skirt.

He looks over your body with a smirk
"I thought I could find you here" he answers honestly


He smiles "Yeah I mean, I feel like I should at least get to know you a little bit" he says.

He takes in how pretty you are. The skin between the length of your socks and your skirt. Your small hands that hug your book. The colour of your hair. He will admit his best friend had excellent taste in women.

"Right, what's the motive?" You ask him

He puts his hands up defensively
"No motive. Just curious, Shoko said I could find you here"

You sigh hearing Yaga's words in the back of your head. 'You should try to make an effort with Satoru. He's not a bad guy after all' stupid Yaga and all his infinite angry wisdom.

"Look I know this is probably weird, right? But Suguru was my friend, and I'd like to know about the women who managed to tame his heart. " he explains there's a vulnerability in his tone. You almost pity him.

"I can respect that. I am pretty cool" you say jokingly with a smug smile.

"A cool girl would let me take her for coffee," he says flirtatiously

"Wow, I walked into that one" you say jokingly

"Yep so?

He waits for your answer, you take a moment to yourself. Thinking if this is really the right thing to do. It's been maybe two or three years since the whole incident but it still sucks. You look at Satoru, his height towering over you. His strong jaw and snow white hair.

"Yeah alright fine" you instantly feel guilty for saying yes, still standing in the place where your lover was murdered  agreeing to have coffee with his best friend, the murderer. You can't make this shit up. You find comfort in knowing you knew Satoru once, and he is a good man, and Suguru, before his prevail to madness, would want you to be happy.

"Yaay, let's go" he cheers, leading the way. He seems relieved to be leaving that small traumatic setting.

You follow with a small smile on your lips. He quickly turns to you, snapping his fingers

"Oh I forgot about the kid" ! He realises

You laugh "the kid"?

"Yeah, okay, small pit stop" he says, continuing to lead the way

"Where did you get a kid from. I'm assuming he's not yours? " You ask

"Oh ya know Zenin Clan, deadbeat dad" he says with little to no explanation


"It hard to explain I guess" he says with a more serious tone

"Do you know how to raise a kid"? You ask him

"Yeah it's easy" he says

You laugh "no good parent in the world has said that. Ever." You tell him teasing him

"Come on, how hard can it be?" He asks you

"Very Satoru," you tell him, trying to keep up with his long steps.

"Do you have kids Yn"?
He asks

You seem kinda offended
"No, what! I'm too young for that" you tell him with a slight embaressed blush

He laughs, looking to you
"So you don't know how to parent either" he says

You look at him amused. "Okay, alright touchè"

He just smugly smiles, continuing to lead the way.

"So what were you reading?" He asks

"Oh, uh, just the portrait of Dorian Grey."

"Heh nerd" he teases

You hit him playfully "you asked!"

He laughs holding his arm as if in immense pain. You realise his infinity was off. He must be relaxed with you.

"Owww "! He over exaggerates.

Her Control (Satoru Gojo x Reader book 2)Where stories live. Discover now