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Your feet hit the ground in hard and fast motion as you run through the train platforms. Your heart is exhilarated from adrenaline. Your skin and hair mattered and smeared with blood of that from curses.

Satoru, you have to get to Satoru. Before it's too late and he's sealed and there's nothing stopping Sukuna or any other plague ridden curse from dominating Japan and wreaking havoc. 'Please, please get there in time.' You pray silently panting as you maintain stamina.

You slide through ailes of people either dead or frozen in fear as you get to the train station, blood of curses, blood of human and debrie off walls and metal train pieces everywhere. There's a strange silence as you find him.

You freeze breathing heavily, Satoru is in the midst of being sealed to his death by someone who you know all too well, and your vision becomes spotty as though you were going to black out.

Suguru Geto stands before Satoru, who is restrained by the prison seal. His appearance is more mature, and his demeanour is calm and calculated. Other curse users seem to notice you before Suguru Geto does. Mahito snickers, bathing in the glow of your pain and confusion.

Jogo remains silent, watching Satoru in greedy anticipation for his seal to close. A curse user you don't recognise glances at you with dark eyes, blood seeping from a gash along his nose. Perhaps one of the curse paintings.

Shit. You ran down here unarmed into a trap made for Satoru. You know better, but you also knew Satoru would get captured despite his claim to be the strongest his arrogance will always be his demise.

As if time slows down, Suguru Geto turns to you, and you instantly notice the long scar across his head. Suguru's eyes widen as though shocked to see you. A hand gripping his still beating heart.

He smiles widely, letting out an unhinged laugh before speaking, and once he does, you become fully aware that this is not the Suguru you once knew or loved.

"My god is the soul of this body stubborn! I think my heart skipped" says the imposter in Suguru's body looking you over.

"W-who are you"? You stutter losing face as a strong female sorcerer

The imposter smirks clasping his hands together.

"The real question is who are you to me"? He says. It's his voice, it's Suguru's soft purring voice.

You feel like screaming, you take a step closer to the imposter who cocks his head at you.

A sharp icicle of blood shoots itself directly at your head. You slip the attack barely. It cuts a length from your hair.

You look over at your assailant who's looking back at you with dead eyes.

"Choso, that wasn't necessary" the imposter says.

You glare at the man known as Choso who places his hands softly at his sides.
With out wasting another second you rush at the curse wearing Suguru who chuckles softly as he sees you approach. He swiftly dodges any attack you throw his way.

He manages to front kick you as you land on your back side in embarrassment. You cough sitting on your knees before the seal of Satoru Gojo. He remains bound between the prison yet to seal completely. He doesn't look at you. His blue eyes remained locked on the imposter.

The imposter frowns disappointed in your effort to fight. You can't seem to think strait, it's to much, so much so that all the curse users in this room don't even see you as a threat.

As if on que the prison seal activates. Satoru struggles his teeth gritted as the red fleshly binds pull apart tighter before releasing like a bear trap.

You do the dumbest thing you can think of doing and reach out to stop the seal. You hear Mahito say something in a panic but it's to late for a reaction from the other curse users.

The red fleshy binding of the prison seal sticks to your skin, growing on your body as Satoru finally looks at you with something you've never seen in him before, Fear.

Her Control (Satoru Gojo x Reader book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant