diaries of a prisoner 1

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"What are you doing"?
You ask watching Satoru stack skeletons

"Building" a short answer

"Okay, building what"? You ask

"A wall" short and blunt, he seems irritated

"What for"? You get on your feet, it's been a couple of days since you've been here, you think so anyways.

"Space" he says

You sigh grabbing a skeleton and helping him build.

"What are you doing"? He asks cocking his head at you

"Building" you says sarcastically imitating his deep voice.

He gives off this 'this bitch' energy before resuming his little construction project.

"I just need some privacy" he says

"To do what"? You nag unaware of how annoying you may be right now

"For stuff! I'm a man after all" he says smugly

You drop the skull in your hands looking at him with a disgusted face

"It's not for that "! He argues seeing your appaled expression.

You fold your arms looking at him with skeptisim

He chuckles "it could be for that" he remarks with a sly grin

"Oh gross"! You retort

He laughs for a little while continuing to build his wall for- privacy.

Her Control (Satoru Gojo x Reader book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora