hallows eve

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"You can't Satoru "! You shout at him in hopes he will listen to you.

He smiles, seeing your obvious anger and fear for him to defie direct orders from the heads of Jujustsu high.

"There's an obvious trap for me to show up," he starts to explain, but you stop him standing close to him now.

"No! I'm serious, Satoru, you can't go ! You will be prosecuted, " you whine your lips pouted.

"Relax, I'm the strongest," he says, patting the top of your head.

You hit his hand away, frustrated with his lack of concern. A very popular train station in Tokyo, Shibuya, has been attacked by multiple curses. Of all grades. All sorcerer's, including yourself, has been appointed to protect civilians and exorcise any curses.

"I know, but we don't know what they have planned for you. You've been ordered to stay out of this, " you argue

He sighs, folding his arms across his chest. His blindfold hides his beautiful blue eyes.

"What if you're killed and Shoko can't reach you? Or what if you're prosecuted before even entering the veil, what if-?

He stops your rambling with an annoyed groan.

"Yn! What are you saying?! A whole city could be completely wiped out"? He yells at you.

You flinch a little, looking at him with pleading eyes
"You can't go!"

He scoffs, "Yn listen to me. I'm not going to get hurt, " he says sternly, taking a more aggravated stance.

"Even if you don't, you will be putting a target on your back, all jujustsu sorcerer's or anyone involved will be required to. . . To put you down"! You bark back at him.

"What are you not getting?!" He argues back, his teeth gritting.

"You can't please," you beg

He just scoffs, and you're reminded of the arrogant prick he is from your student days.

"You realise Yaga is the one who told me about this right?" He says matter of factly

You groan in frustration. Yes, you know that, and yes, you're extremely upset with Yaga. However, you have a choice now. Let him go or try to stop him single handely.

"I don't care, just don't do this. You're already a target for other sorcerer's. If you do this now, no one will hesitate to try and defeat you, " you explain to him

He laughs at your annoyed and worried expression.

"Who's gonna stop me"? He spits harshly

"Satoru," you say his name like a desperate plea for understanding.

He frowns, shaking his head at you, turning on the ball of his foot to leave. You grab his hand, pulling him back. Though you don't move him, he does freeze before slowly turning to look at you again.

You eminate your own cursed energy as you debate your choice of actions right now.

He sees this. Relaxing as his grip on your hand tightens. A soft smirk formed on his lips.

"Yn, you can't use your technique on me.  . . Could you "? He says softly, leaning closer to you now

You hesitate looking up to him. The warmth from his hand is inviting, and in comparison, his fingers engulf yours easily. You can't do this to him again. Not again, not after last time. Not after you spent years repairing your relationship with Satoru. Not after all the hard work you put into becoming better, stronger, and less emotional.

How does he do this to you? Why does he have to risk his life for ungrateful people who won't even know what he sacrificed for them.

"Please, I can't do nothing," he says softly. He's standing so close to you now as he inches forward. His other hand holding your hip firmly. His breath is warm and sweet. His scent lingered on his overly large uniform.

Your heart races as he holds you now. Coaxing you out of even attempting to stop him. Why ! Just why do you have to feel like this right now? Why him ? Why is it always him.

His chest rises and falls onto you, your hearts synchronising as he continues to pull you into him. His leans down so that his forhead is resting on top of your head.

There's an intense energy between you two as you lace your fingers behind his neck. He squeezes your body gently as you embrace each other for a long and much needed hug.

With his lips only inches away from yours you speak softly in painful strained whisper, full of want and need for Satoru. "Don't you dare get hurt" you warn him

He smiles, squeezing you again in reassurance. Your heart is quickening you blush in embaressment for the way he makes you feel.

"I won't" he says his hands now firmly on your hips.

You roll your eyes "right, you're the strongest" you mock

He laughs "damn strait".

Her Control (Satoru Gojo x Reader book 2)Where stories live. Discover now